The Last Step

Cain could only internally sigh. 

When this reaches the outside world, the trouble it will cause will not be minor at all. 

At this point, Cain could only invest all of his hopes into helping the Nightmare Lord. Perhaps he could obtain something incredibly useful from this. 

Cain was soon broken from his thoughts when three bright orange Soul's Core floated down to him. 

Nightmare Lord said, "Your first award. Quickly absorb it."

Stepping on corpses to jump ahead. Cain's Martial Heart had zero waves of emotions, entirely used to it at this point. 

Cain's Soul Sense quickly absorbed the Phoenix trio's Soul's Core into his Mental Psyche.

Three waves of massive Soul energy smoothly fused into his consciousness, engraving sensation onto his Mental Psyche and Soul Core. 

Seconds later, Cain felt his Soul's Core instinctively stir.