Realm Travelers

Elder Wen slowly floated back to the ground, his eyes flashing as his feet touched the floor.

He explained to them, "As I said, you two will give the Divine Mortals Sect Masters direct ring symbol. If we can do this, everything will naturally fall into place. But doing this will be massively challenging. You will be dealing with foes who many have better starting points than even you two. Thus, I will be overseeing your training until the Sea Realm opens."

Fen Su and Yao Hai were briefly stunned. Their eyes widened as excitement coursed through them. 

The mission before them was the most pressure-filled they had ever received. But because of it, the drive to succeed raged within their Martial Hearts like a fiery tornado! 

And now that they were going to receive direct guidance from an unfathomable Holy King master, Fen Su, and Yao Hai felt their determination shoot up through the clouds.