The Sword Genius

Huang Dragon's Imperial Palace. The private royal courtyard. 

In the massively spacious and beautiful courtyard were three beautiful youths. 

The long silver hair girl calmly sitting cross-legged with her eyes closed was the vampire princess Amber.

The other two youths with extraordinary appearances and presence were, of course, Cain and Kali. 

The Dragon siblings stood at an equal distance apart from each other.

Cain had his right hand stretched out, the tips of his fingers glowing with a shiny blue Spirit energy glow. 

The tips of Cain's finger were shooting out multiple tendrils of Spirit energy.

These tendrils of Spirit energy had a unique appearance. They were all incredibly thin to the point of looking fragile. 

If one didn't think too much about it, the Spirit energy tendrils would resemble multiple spider webs.

This was Cain's Spirit Web Art!