Immense Speed

Taking several moments to pause, Lin Zui soon answered with, "Master, you intend to have me deliver the news of the life vein root to Lan Rui while also sneakily giving her the Slave Insect without her knowledge. From there on, she'll be the catalyst that will give it to Lee?" 

"You are indeed sharp. There are some spots in the plan I will need to correct. But that is the general plan here." Every word that Elder Gao spoke was with supreme confidence.

There was no potential loss in this plan. Only a path of pure victory. 

Lin Zui held absolute faith in his master. But at the same time, absolute fear in the depths of Cain's seemingly limitless abilities.

Is it really possible to fool an extreme genius like that? 

Lin Zui tried to hide his doubts, but he still ended up asking, "Master, are there any risks involved with this plan? This seems..."