Great Control

A young woman's voice began speaking. 'Master Hua, I have just received great news! We may have a clear and precise lead on the Black Spiritual Charm! Plus, our sources are even offering extra rewards if we can complete a certain task.' 

'Oh?' Master Hua's eyes brightly glinted. Her mood became even more exuberant. 

This timely arrival after another great kill will only increase her strength further! Bright days were on the horizon for Master Hua. Whoever gets in her way for the Black Spiritual Charm will be cut down instantly. 

Master Hua coldly smiled as she transmitted, 'Tell our contact we'll gladly accept the mission. Naturally, I'll finish whatever extra task he wants. Also, see if he has anything else he wants to offer. This one always gives the best rewards.'


Cloudsea Holy Land. 

Elder Xi's living quarters.