Leaving With Gains

With Wizard Kun, they would be led to a new future, boundless across the era, invincible to the summit! No high tier Holy Land nor Heavenly Great World could ever compare to them.

The brown robe cultivators believed from the depths of their souls, a true takeover was coming. 

Wizard Kun wore a pleased smile as he swept his gaze across the room. His voice soon rippled into everyone's ears. "Indeed! There will be a day when we no longer need to wait in hiding! Our influence will spread and expand to the very summit. By then, our preachings will be the common norm across the God Galaxy! That day is not far off!" 

"Wizard Kun will lead us through any storm!!" 

The cheering crowd only became that more fanatic. 

Cain could admit that everyone has some wild ambition. They would be going up against behemoths that have been around for at least millions of years. 

Even Quasi-Heavenly Great Worlds wouldn't dare to have these thoughts.