Walking Trance

There was no point in staying in Wizard Kun's territory any longer. Cain wasn't looking to start a pointless fight. Nor were there any resources there that can tempt him into action. 

Cain was back to taking divine steps through the Wintry World. His enlightenment from the ritual array gradually assimilated into his Spiritual Sea as he aimlessly traveled. 

The world around Cain slightly changed as a result. His eyes could spot slightly more fantastical, rainbow color Law lights permeating through the air. 

The sources of the Law of the universe were always all around them. Many never even see a glimpse of these fantastical lights. 

Even Primal Sovereign grandmasters, with Spiritual Seas enough to hold worlds in their palms, would fail to see the sources of the universe. 

Cain continually cultivated in this serene state. 

Time had passed loosely. 

Who knows how long and far Cain's divine steps took him?