Lighting Wind Holy Land

The flight didn't take long at all. Mater Xing's group crossed over a few hundred miles in merely a few minutes. 

They rushed through the Starfall wasteland, soon coming towards a beautiful mountain peak. 

A blooming scene of nature was sprawled all across the mountain peak. Coming here from the Starfall wasteland seemed as if one was seconds away from crossing into an immortal land. 

Master Xing led his group to the top of the mountain peak. There, a single Holy King master stood. 

This Holy King master was a bit special. His rays of holy light exuded enough density to make all middle stage masters feel inferior. 

With a casual glance, Cain could tell this man was an ordinary late stage Holy King master. A person who would occupy a high elder position in the Cloudsea Holy Land simply stays guarded at the entrance of Starfall wasteland. 

Cain felt more curious than tense at the power disparity of the Central Starfield.