Humiliating Slaps

'Those thieving fucks!' Lao Heng, Master Xing, and Zexi all viciously cursed in their minds. 

None of them brought any of this bullshit. They simply know these lords wanted to take all spoils for themselves without needing to put in an ounce of work.

Zexi began to turn a bit pale. Giving up their golden blood elixirs would mean they'll need to go right back to the Starfall wasteland! 

All efforts would be wasted, and who knows where they can even find more golden blood? 

However, at the same time, could they even say anything to the Divine Decree Lords? 

Supreme talents who all have a tremendous backing within the sect? 

Zexi and the others felt suffocated at this moment. Their minds worked for the best course of action. But all of their chaotic thoughts would be for naught. 

As Cain had already taken a divine step forward, appearing right in front of their group.