A Small Town

The day quickly passed. 

Over a massively expansive, sandy region of the Starfall planet. The Dao lights exuding from this sandy region were on an equal level to the Starfall wasteland. 

Most regions across the planet have the same standard of environment. It's only when one enters into special territories belonging to Holy Lands or other special organizations that the Dao Runes create a far superior environment. 

Still, cultivating within here was superior to that of Atlas City of the Wintry World. Far superior cultivators and vicious Dao beasts are birth here. 

At this time, two divine lights were streaking through the skies. 

These divine lights were seemingly in their own space. A faint fore engulfs them. Practically making them invisible to all other Divine Senses detection. 

Naturally, these two were Cain and Zexi. Neither of them particularly liked amassing noisy people because of fame.