Devious Ploy

With Hua in the lead, Cain and Zexi were soon led over to the temple. Before entering, Cain could already detect a surge of strange energy bubbling from both Kong's and Hua's bodies. 

He and Zexi watched as the duo took out two small keys. 

These keys were engraved with exotic law runes. Specially made so that no average divine expert could enter the temple without permission. 

Gleams of divine light shot out of the key and opened the translucent barrier surrounding the temple. 

The group entered without any issues. 

Upon entering, Cain was greeted to an average sight. Not much about the interior truly stood out to him. But there were two things took take notice of. 

The continuous pattern of fire law runes which all exuded late stage to peak stage Divine Ruler's principles. 

And at the center of the temple was the strangest sight.