Horrible News

Simply saying that Yan Kui had a shift in emotion seemed so minor. But this Yan Kui was anything but minor. She can calmly face the supreme Heavenly Venerates of their sect without so much breaking a sweat. 

There was times Emperor Hian could directly recall Yan Kui directly facing both him and Guo without a care in the world. 

Yan Kui, a supreme genius losing their confidence and seriously contemplating something certainly meant something critical was sure to occur. 

'Alright. I will call back.' Hian swiftly ended the call. 

He then picked up another contact ring, flowing his soul energy inside to connect with a person most other Emperor Grandmasters wouldn't spare a passing glance. 

'Ah! Emperor Hian! Is there anything you need me to do?' The one speaking was King Lang. 

The same King Lang who appeared to be fraught with terror when Cain's group showcased their prowess.