Coming Face To Face

"Damn!" Several hidden figures within the crowd were forced to activate special Dao runes splattered across the city. 

The essence energy flowing out of these Dao runes was the only thing that could protect hundreds of thousands of others from being suffocated by these invincible killing intents. 

Nobody had the time to question just what was going on. 

Soon enough, three loud voices, exuding a nightmarish momentum to kill all lives across the Heavens filled the entire city. 

"The Lightning-Destruction Sect will be destroyed!" 

"Anyone daring enough to commit heinous deeds will receive the death punishment!" 

"All Demons will be judged without any question!" 

Those words smashed into everyone's minds. Bewilderment began to mix with the cultivators' fears. 

The Lightning Destruction Sect? 

"Isn't that just some so-called master tier force in the Inner Ridge? Just what did they do to provoke the behemoths?"