Divine Showcase (1)

Their entrance was theatrical, a silent declaration of intent. Black masks, adorned with intricate silver filigree, hid their features but did nothing to veil the absolute confidence radiating from their stances.

A wave of suspicion rippled through the crowd of young disciples. Primal Sovereigns, ranging from King Grandmasters to the most elite Monarch Grandmasters, narrowed their eyes. 

"Just who in blazes do these upstarts think they are?" one hissed, his voice like a serpent in the grass.

The Saint Heroes, however, had a different reaction. Saint Hero Yan wore a smirk, the faintest hint of triumph in his serpentine eyes. His plan, to force the trio's hand and expose them before the Supreme Elders, was already bearing delicious fruit.

Kong's expression, normally as stoic as weathered stone, held a flicker of unease, while Qin remained a mask of impassivity, as always. Yet, one could feel the undercurrent of tension beneath his facade.