Divine Showcase (2)

Silence. Then, it all erupted. The younger disciples gasped in horror and utter bewilderment. A genius Heavenly Venerate, a Saint Hero who stood above millions, had been defeated so easily, so utterly...

Among the Saint Heroes, several paled – especially Yan and Kong. Saint Hero Qiao's expression became unreadable, while even Xue couldn't hide her astonishment. 

Yet, it was the Supreme Elders whose reactions were the most telling. Kali, a mere Holy King, had devastated a Saint Hero of the Duke Palace with a self-created Divine Art wielding the unfathomable power of outer space essence. It defied all known limits of cultivation at her stage.

The silence within the grand chamber was so thick you could slice through it with a dull spoon. The Saint Heroes, those untouchable figures of might and prestige, were frozen. 

Even Saint Hero Qiao, the woman exuding an aura of invincibility, couldn't mask the tremor in her gaze.