Another Intruder

Various streams of scintillating dao essence burst forth, rapidly converging into a swirling vortex of power beyond the comprehension of even divine intellects. 

Within moments, the energies coalesced into the shimmering portal of a high-level dimensional pass.

While Cain, Kali, and Luo Na remained outwardly calm before this awe-inspiring scene, Yan Kui could not restrain an awed exhalation. She murmured, "So this will lead us to Sovereign God Yao's inheritance...I've heard so many brutal tales of the tribulations geniuses across our heaven face at this event, each with their own fantastic Dao Laws and special methods to overcome. But I suppose..."

She trailed off, finally noticing the significant looks the trio exchanged with subtle smiles.

"Now there will be no competition at all. Though they're welcome to come entertain me for a bit if they wish," Kali added with a dark chuckle.