Divine Waste

But Cain did not give the incredulous entity any time to properly process his words or intent. 

He instinctively stepped forward, Sovereign realms of power exploding from his body in unfathomable waves of earth-shattering intensity as he unleashed the first brutal salvo!


The thunderous roars of dragons shook the heavens, the cries of noble phoenixes pierced the void, and the bellowing peals of heaven-shattering godly thunder caused the entire realm to violently quake and distort!

The phantom froze, a gossamer sheen of cold sweat erupting across his spectral form as he was struck with the visceral sensation of staring death itself in the face. 

This aura surged forth in unstoppable tsunami waves, far exceeding that of even the absolute pinnacle Heavenly Venerates - no, outstripping many run-of-the-mill Ordinary Early True Divinities with ease!