Wall Destroyed

As Cain, Kali, Luo Na, and Yan Kui materialized within the protective resonance fields established around the Eternal God Wall, Shi Wei's seemingly ageless countenance gradually softened.


A hint of a warm, welcoming smile – one carrying a profound sense of pride and immense relief – blossomed across those noble features no living being would dare take for granted.

For in that moment, even without words or grand gestures requiring acknowledgment, the Supreme Dragon Ancestress instantly felt the presence of her scion's unfettered radiance shine forth like newborn stellar furnaces igniting from the primordial cataclysm of creation's first breath.

Master Shadow froze, his eyes going saucer-wide as he stared at Cain, Kali, and Luo Na. "You three..."

Cain held up a hand, his voice calm but carrying undeniable authority. "No need for that now, Senior."

An invisible ripple of essence energy washed over Master Shadow.