A Thought For The Future

Cain felt utterly dispassionate about their inevitably brief reprieve from his wrath. Those invaders already festering within the sanctuaries of the Divine Boundless Heaven would eventually lead him to deal their judgment soon enough.

With a thought, Cain teleported back to rejoin the girls, his presence rippling space like a stone cast into a still pond.

Kali immediately shot him a disdainful sneer, snorting like an irate dragon as she bit out, "Showed off enough yet, brother? Tch. About damn time we get to really cut loose on these bastards trying to overrun our home."

Cain simply shrugged, utterly indifferent to her needling jabs and the progressively more annoyed scowl twisting Kali's beautiful features. "Cool your flames, girl. It's better I erase them swiftly rather than giving them any chance to scurry off and avoid their fates."