Interest In Meeting

Among the gathered disciples and lower-level elders, Shi Wei's announcement sparked an immediate storm of reactions. Excited whispers and shocked exclamations rippled through the crowd:

"He's going to become our new Holy Dragon Son?" one young disciple gasped, his eyes wide with disbelief.

Another, older cultivator furrowed his brow in concern. "But what about our God Senior Martial siblings? Surely they would be more suited for the position?"

"Just who is this woman?" a third wondered aloud, though there was more awe than skepticism in her tone.

Yet, despite the commotion, there was a notable absence of outright negativity towards either Shi Wei or Cain. The memory of Cain's earlier display against Luolong, the sect's strongest Demi-God disciple, was still fresh in everyone's minds. With nothing more than his Dragon aura, Cain had utterly crushed Luolong when he was still at the half-step Heavenly Venerate realm.

And now?