Chaotic News

As the luminous energy faded, those left behind could only stare at the spot where the group had been moments before. 

The air crackled with tension and anticipation. Every single person present could sense that something momentous was about to sweep through their entire Sacred Court. 

The arrival of Shi Wei and her grandson Cain was not just a return – it was the beginning of a new era.


A few days swiftly passed, each hour bringing with it a new wave of rumors and speculation that crashed through the Sacred Dragon Court like a tsunami. 

The news that had set this storm in motion was earth-shattering: their Sacred Dragon Saint, an ancient expert with a Dao power capable of suppressing even genius Late Stage God Emperors, had returned!

The name Shi Wei spread like wildfire through every level of the Court. From the lowest disciples to the highest elders, everyone was abuzz with talk of her return.