CH 09

I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and ready for the second day at Hogwarts.... After taking a cold shower, I changed to my school robes and left my room toward the common room.....

It was 7.00 in the morning and the common room was empty, except for some sixth and seventh year's students....

..after a quick greeting, I left the Ravenclaw tower to explore and memorise my way through the castle as Hogwarts was known as a maze with it moving stairs and complex layout...

As originally constructed, Hogwarts was likely much smaller, perhaps about the size of a large stone house. As the years went by and as student populations grew, the school building expanded and adjusted for the change.

.and the whole thing became something of a warren of passages, corridors, rooms, doorways, and staircases. Many of the secret passageways probably evolved as rooms, hallways, and even whole floors and wings added themselves on, leaving spaces and gaps...

After thirty minutes of moving through the castle, I know it impossible to familiarise myself with this school in a short period.....and to thoroughly memorize it well it hard..... Very Albus Dumbledore himself said: "Oh I would never dream of assuming I know all Hogwarts' secrets..."

And after asking some portrait I found myself in time with the breakfast .....

The main hall was in a joyous mood as students were Talking and laughing at the same time having their breakfast...

I traced my way to the Ravenclaw table to find all the other 10 first year were already seated on the table...... I sat beside a boy named terry boot as I remembered that he answered one riddle in yesterday's door test...

"Hey," he said " I remembered you, Marcus, right"

That caught me by surprise " yeah, and you are... Terry, right "

"oh, you remember, great" the boy smile widened" you were amazing yesterday, you answered all the riddles "

Hmm, so that way... Typical Ravenclaw I guess...

" oh, well I kind of liked riddles from a young age so...." I chuckled then replied " you too, you answered one" well I didn't lie there in my old life I was obsessed with riddles. Riddles are a fun way of testing your problem-solving skills, encouraging yourself to examine your assumptions, look for alternate meanings, and think more creatively...

He replied quickly " ah, that a riddle I know. My grandma said it to me once last year"

And so I had a bit of small talk with Terry. That until a perfect gave us our schedule for the first the year..... Not a very tight schedule I see...... (the schedule will be in this paragraph comment )

", well terry it looks like we have a quarter of-hour to find our Herbology class," I said politely," so if you went, we can tag together "

Terry nodded excitedly as we took off and started making out to class...

Where most Muggles' biology lessons might involve planting cress or dissecting leaves, Herbology classes at Hogwarts were liable to be a more dangerous affair.

From studying Mandrakes, whose screams can kill you, to the rather unpleasant task of harvesting Bubotuber pus,

it's amazing that student wizards ever made it out of the school alive, much less with their O.W.L.s! But that was until the second half of the year so for now, it was all just theory and memorising stuff about different plants...

We shared the class with Hufflepuff..... In classroom 102... And it was a whole hour of professor sprout talking about Mandrake.....

By the way, Professor sprout is the Hufflepuff house head and a competent herbology teacher....she can be described as being a squat little witch with short, grey, wavy hair........

At 9.45 we managed to get to the DADA class, well I didn't have much hope for the given class because who is teaching us is the double-faced Quirinus Quarrell.....But as we were out of the classroom after a whole hour of his fake stuttering...

I was 100 percent sure that he is the worst teacher I had in my life......This was not because of his slightly jumpy demeanour, or his classrooms always smelling of garlic or the fact he seemed to be scared of absolutely everything,

but because he literally had Lord Voldemort on the back of his head. Yep, he had one of the Darkest wizards in wizarding history on the back of his head. And I feel it's fair to say that having Lord Voldemort on the back of your head may just be the worst way possible to teach Defence Against the Dark Arts. or the best way..... Who knows...

Transfiguration was up to standard As a really hard subject... Presided over by the strict and no-nonsense Professor McGonagall, the subject covered everything from Switching Spells to Vanishment.

Once you got your copy of A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch, you will understand that Transfiguration was more demanding and scientific than many of the other subjects – roughly speaking, the larger the object or being you wanted to transform, the harder work it was...

And at the end of the period, she gave us 10 pages of homework on the basics of transfiguration...... Then it was lunchtime and damn I was hungry.....

We resumed classes at 1 p.m. with charms in classroom 99 in the south tower.....

For me, charms are my favourite subject... With our part goblin professor Filius Flitwick, we covered the Levitation Charm in the first class from its theory part all the way to its incantation(Wingardium Leviosa) and wand movement...

And Wingardium Leviosa helped Harry, Ron and Hermione not get obliterated by a giant troll in their very first year,...

As we finished the class, I tuned to terry " terry, you can go first, I have some questions for the professor "

* okay, we will meet in the history of magic class then " terry nodded with his always smiling face and left the classroom

I waited a bit until it was just me and the professor in the classroom...

I made my way to the front of the class" hello professor, do you have a bit of time to spare "

The professor replied in his squeaky tone," you are Marcus right, one of my Ravens isn't it."

I nodded as the professor resumed," and you have a question for me "

" yes, Professor, " I said" I read somewhere that Hogwarts had once in the past a divination class for first year's "

He squinted his eyes in thought" yes that was in the past, Marcus"

I replied quickly " well, you see professor, I am very interested in divination and I went to see if I can start it from my first year"

He answered in hesitation" I can't answer that my boy, but I will speak with the headmaster "

I smiled " thank you professor" and left the classroom feeling content with the answer I got .....

I reached the history of magic class...The 'dullest subject' at Hogwarts was not helped by the fact that it was taught by Professor Binns, someone who had actually died but still continued to relentlessly teach the subject as a ghost. It was history.....


OMAKE Marcus in Gryffindor

"Now, you must remember to say the incantation right!" Flitwick told his first-years.

"Repeat after me – Wingardium Leviosa!"

"Wingardium Leviosa," they repeated dutifully.

He beamed. "Off you go then!"

He hopped off his pile of books and went around to the tables, watching them try out the incantation.

"Wingaaaaaardium Leviooooosssa!" an over-enthusiastic girl called Hermione swung her wand around with gusto and hit the boy next to her on the nose.

The feather in front of her remained stationary.

"You said it wrong," he said, rubbing his nose.

She glared. "If you're so clever, YOU do it!"

"Fine." He swished and flicked his wand in the precise movement and said, "Wingardium Leviosa!"

The feather began to rise and hovered in mid-air.

"Oh well done Mr Yaxley !" Professor Flitwick cried.

He wasn't really surprised – the boy was, after all,

A model student,

Then he noticed that the boy was grinning in an evil sort of fashion at him.

He saw him raise his wand.

He realised what was going to happen when it was too late.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" cried the model student's , with a perfect swish and flick of wand.

The wand was directed at Professor Flitwick.

He felt himself rise. And rise. And rise.

"Stop this at once!"

But Marcus held him there, floating in mid air and shouted,

"Hey everyone! Look at little Professor Flitwick!"

The students laughed.

The humiliation of it!

A Flitwick was already angry, but it was the 'little' that made him explode.

"I – AM – NOT – SMALL – IN – SIZE!" he bellowed. Or he thought it was a bellow. It was really just an extremely loud, indignant squeak.