Ch 10

After finishing our intended classes for the day....well except astrology, but that is for midnight so we have a couple of hours of rest....

I excused myself from terry company even if I felt bad about leaving the boy alone... Don't get me wrong I don't hate the boy, Terry Is a bright sunny boy who was always smiling, but men have his secrets and for me, secrets known for more than a person isn't secret... So sorry terry.....

Walking down the stairs heading to my first mystery journey in Hogwarts..... I noticed the boy who lived with the company of his sidekick Ron in the hallway of the second floor... Em, not my business it's too early for me to get myself in their trouble....

Right mystery journey... It trying to divine a way to some Hogwarts mysteries... And how that works.....well blindly whisper " hidden secrets of Hogwarts " seven times and let the dowsing rods to lead me... Welll I didn't expectt it to really work but it was just an experiment to find the limitation to my divination.....

The first try it was a disappointment...really deas a book about the hidden secret of Hogwarts I found in the library where everyone can find him can be considered a hidden secret....the second try... I found the same book in the Ravenclaw tower .. the third try ... I found the freaking same book in the great hall...... I gave up ....

So I sat at the great hall waiting for dinner and to rest my aching legs from all the walking..... .. Hmmm I need to adapt my dowsing rods methods because from this failed experiment and some thinking I found another limit to my divination...

When I said hidden secret of Hogwarts, I basically don't have any clues or knowledge about the said secrets not did I specify a specific secret so my dowsing rods and by extension divination took my words as they are and led me to a book that contains said words...

So I have to find some clues first then try again or specify a certain hidden place or specify a certain location like in Ravenclaw tower....or in the main hall and so I tried it.....

I took my dowsing rods and chanted under my breath " a secret about the great hall"

I felt a tag that led me toward the teachers table but there is too many people watching ........

After the dinner i sat at the common room browsing through the different journals that the ravenclaws students left before thier graduation......

And I chose the first journal I saw and started I was reading I found that this journal didn't contain anything worthy for me to see ... it was like a diary for how they lived their seven years in hogwarts .... so I returned the book to it place and sat again disappointed..... and I had the urge to play a game on my phone.....

"Damit" I cursed under my breath as some habits are hard to get rid of .... it been close to year and still can't throughly get used to the wizards outdated world.....

I looked at the journals again and it clicked in my mind .... game .... journals .... harry potter ..

I remembered that I heard of a game in my last life called hogwarts mystery....but I didn't play it quit a lot ....just the 3 first chapters .... and I know it talks about these hidden vaults in Hogwarts....

I looked again at journals ..... maybe .....just maybe I can find something about the vaults in these journals..... and so I divined first with my silver pendant ...." is there a journal in the Ravenclaw common room that has any relations to the secret vaults " and to my di light the pendent turned clock wise....... I smiled then pulled the drowsing rods and divined ....

It was a weird night at the Ravenclaw room as students was doing their homework or just relaxing on the chairs..... they noticed a first year ... they remembered his name as gave a quit particular performance answering all the riddles that door gave him ... Marcus Yaxley ....

but what exactly is he doing right now .. bouncing from one side of the room to the other ..... taking a journal then throw it after just couple of minutes of reading .....

sometime you'd see him smiling like a kid who found the most delicious candy .... then he'd start cursing in a strange language...that arabic right....

But Marcus didn't give a shit..... he was absorbed in what he is doing right now after some divination and dozens of journals he found a lot of incomplete things that he didn't know about Hogwarts ... or he know them but were forgotten...

A boy of the name Benn cooper went missing in the year 1982 and later was seen in infirmary with a severe case of frostbite ... in the same year three students were also seen with a frostbite

In the next year something strange happened as Hogwarts suffered from several boggart attacks in the first half of the year.....

The next year a lot of Hogwarts students become largely affected by the Sleepwalking curse, with most students heading towards the Forbidden Forest ....

After 2 years it was rumoured that 3 sixths years students fought a dragon as they heard dragon roars coming from somewhere underground ... and after a couple of months Jacob was seen somewhere in London after disappearing for more than 5 years .....

The next year it was seen that the giant squid in the lake was behaving strangely sometimes even injuring student that went for a swim...

As kept reviewing this information in my head I looked at the clock to find it close to 10 pm so i had a bit of time before my astrology class...

I couldn't help myself as I bolted through the door toward the I need a vital information what the hell is the cursed vaults .....

The Cursed Vaults were five legendary hidden rooms at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, each vault shielded by a different curse placed on it.

Some alleged that the vaults housed priceless treasures such as gold, prophecies, and other powerful magical artefacts dating back to before the school was founded while others believed they contained Dark Magic.

Some believed that they were most likely originally made to protect something dangerous by people wanting to take advantage of the school's ever-changing floor-plan to make their locations more difficult to find, it was also possible that the vaults were created around something dangerous that could not be moved.

There was even a 'circle of trust' comprising a group of teachers and students who all worked together researching the vaults intending to put an end to the threat they posed to the school. Ultimately unsuccessful.


Omake (not mine because I can't right something this good)

"...and I will not take excuses for any assignment whether homework or class work which should be completed within the time I give it to you..." Professor M. McGonagall was lecturing her first-year class about the do's and don'ts in her class.

"But Professor, what if your animal and slash or dorm mates attempt or threaten to eat your homework?" Sirius interjected, without even a raised hand.

McGonagall gave Sirius a piercing stare. "Mr. Black, if your pet is trained well, I'm positive that it will not try to eat you Transfiguration homework. And I'm sure your dorm mates are mature enough not to eat parchment."

She was just about to continue her famously-boring speech, when James spoke, "Are you saying, Sirius, that you think I'll eat your homework? I doubt you'll even do your homework!"

"Sirius will to do his homework! Sirius wasn't talking about James anyway!" Sirius stood up from his chair.

They were in a fake argument, in the middle on McGonagall; the strictest Professor of them all's class. She'd be able to stop them in a snap. "Mr. Black, Mr. Pot-." Maybe not.

"And why is Sirius talking about himself in the third person?" James stood up.

"Has this become English class, Jamskie?"

"I don't know, maybe it has!"

"Are you threatening me?"


"Should we take this to the corridor?"

"Nah, we fight fine here."

"Stop it, James, you're embarrassing me." Sirius said in a high-pitched voice, pretending to blush.


"Well if you're sure..." Sirius' voice was back to normal. "Avada Kedavara!" Sirius flipped his quill, pretending it was his wand.

"Avada Kedavara? Ain't that like, the killing curse or something, Siri?"


"Awesome! Where'd you learn it?"

"Mum. She taught me and Regulus over the summer. Said we'd need it for special purposes. Except I was just saying the incantation repeatedly so she only taught Regulus."



"AVADA KEDAVARA!" James was doing the same thing with his quill.


"SHUT UP!" They didn't notice that it was Professor McGonagall saying this, not a student.

"NOO!" they both said in unison.




The room fell silent, from the giggling girls in the corner to the shiny- eyed Sirius and James. No student –more importantly a first-year – had dared to disrupt the lectures of McGonagall. They were in trouble. They were future marauders.

"Yes Professor?" Sirius said politely.

"I will see both of you after class. I'm not in the mood to waste valuable learning time with a lecture on behaviour."

The boys showed no sign of cowardness or fear over the woman in charge of them. This is what brings McGonagall down.