Frost Dragon and the Elven Queen!

Endless pressure poured toward the leader, Pierce, who had said such insulting words.

Whether the elves were protected by the Moon Goddess or not, no one in that world had ever dared to speak such insulting words to the elves.

They were generous and kind.

However, being kind did not mean that they would let a stranger who did not come with good intentions say such words. If they still replied with a smile, they would be idiots, not elves.

The pressure from the level 7 creature pressed down on Pierce like a tide before he could get ready.

In an instant, Pierce felt like he was being pressed down by a heavy weight. He felt suffocated.

However, this situation only lasted for less than a second. As the divine power in his body surged, a protective shield appeared on Pierce's body.

The protective ability of this divine power easily resisted the overwhelming pressure of level 7.