Level 7 Pressure!

When he reached the top floor, Pierce's gaze flashed when he saw a beautiful white woman wearing a gorgeous crown.

The woman had light green pupils that looked like dazzling emeralds.

It was mesmerizing.

Pierce suddenly realized that the eyes of powerful female creatures were very unique.

Frost's ice-blue eyes, Mel's purple eyes, Vivier's light golden eyes, and this Elf Queen's light green eyes.

All of them were very attractive.

The Elven Queen had been waiting for them. A faint smile appeared on her beautiful face.

She looked at Pierce with a smile and slowly made a friendly gesture.

Pierce nodded lightly as a greeting.

The Elven Queen smiled at Pierce, while assessing him inwardly.

This human did not seem to be very strong.

Even the guards could defeat and kill him easily.

In short, this man was no threat to her.

Just as the Elven Queen was about to walk forward, a loud sound rang out.