
the day when I was heartbroken still continues and I am still protracted in this sadness of mine. because the person I like likes other people and is close to other people instead of close to me. indeed I am very stupid to approach him not like people who want to approach women but this is how I approach the person I like. I'm pretty annoyed when the person I like is close to other people, maybe they already like each other but I can't do anything I can only see it from a distance and get annoyed by myself instead. they once went home together at school even though it was my first dream when I was close to him I really wanted to take him home but I didn't dare to take him home together and I was also afraid of being rejected outright by him later instead I was the one who was hurt because he was rejected by him to take him home. I had time to tell Rio and Rio responded that he told me to stay away from that woman but I didn't want to because from the start I already liked her, what's more, Bella is my first love even though my heart hurts but I still want to be with her. Rio told me to look for another woman because Rio knew Bella really didn't like me moreover maybe Bella didn't think of me as her friend. I don't want to approach other women because other women are different from Bella, many are more beautiful than Bella or maybe they like me but I don't know why my heart still wants to be with Bella. Rio told me to be close to other women until Rio wanted to find me another woman to be close to me and forget about Bella.

Rio: "Yeah, yeah, I already told you it's better if you just get close to other girls, you and Bella don't really matter what it is, anyways, you're so close to girls like that.

Ryan: "Then what should I do, Yo, I've been trying to get close to Bella, right, you know me, how can I do that, just like that, I don't know how to approach her again?

Rio: "Well, it's better if you stay away from Bella, instead of feeling a deeper pain, it's better for you to stay away and close to other girls. There are a lot of girls, actually you're the only one who really wants to be with Bella "

Ryan: "What can you do, yo, Bella can be said to be my first love, so I really like her, I'm sure one day I will be with her, Yo"

Rio: "What are you crazy about, Bella obviously prefers someone else over you and you're also a close friend like that"

Ryan: "Okay, what should I do, I'm already confused if I'm with other people, I'm lazy to get to know new people, really"

Rio: "It's already like this, I know it's better if you are close to 15 high school kids, my friend said that he's handsome, about that I have a friend there, do you want me to introduce you to 15 high school kids, I'll ask a friend for his contact I love you, do you want it or not?"

Ryan: "How about it, Yo I'm actually lazy to meet new people Yo I'm afraid it's not even fun in my heart Yo"

Rio: "Just try it first. Why don't you know it, it's not a pity if you already know it's going to happen hahahaha"

Ryan: "okay yo, it's up to you, yo"

Rio:" calm down, you'll definitely like it, just calm down"

I don't know if I should believe in Rio or not because as I know Rio's suggestion and idea is definitely not convincing. Rio finally asked for a girl's number from a 15 high school boy to his friends, there were about 5-10 people he asked his friends for. Rio was chatting with his friend via WhatsApp and he asked for the number of a girl who was in SMA 15.

Rio: "if, I want to ask you, bil."

Nabila: "ehhh you yo why why?"

Rio: "Do you have a number for a beautiful 15 high school girl, doesn't she stay single?"

Nabila: "What are you doing, Yo? Do you want to be close to them?"

Rio: "Hmmmm, yes, I want to be close to them. I really want to date but I'm confused about who to go out with."

Nabila: "Well, why are there so many beautiful people in your school? Don't you want to be with you? hahahahah"

Rio: "It's not like that, oyyy, so yeah, I'm just too lazy to go out with the same school, I want to date someone from a different school, that's how fun it is"

Nabila: "Ohhhh, okay, I'll send the number to you later, hopefully no one else is close to them"

Rio: "The point is looking for someone who isn't close to anyone, bil so that it's easy for me to approach him"

Nabila: "Whoa yo, I'll look for someone who isn't close to anyone who's always beautiful"

Rio: "Okay, thanks if"

Nabila : " Masama yooo "

Rio was also given about 10 numbers by Nabila. Rio gave all the numbers to me and told me to chat one by one but I hesitated to chat one by one but Rio still convinced me that it was better to be close to other people than waiting for something uncertain like that. I already told him that later I will chat but at other times Rio is still the same forcing me to chat because with that my prefix to approach women is already running. I still hesitate to chat one by one because what I like is Bella not all of them even though they are really beautiful but I still don't want to chat with them in my heart saying that they are not suitable for me and are suitable for me right now Bella alone. I've seen one by one the numbers of all of them and it's true that no one can interest me except Bella, because just seeing Bella once I immediately liked her and many people said it was love at first sight.