Appraiser Mission

Jian had finished his things about the sect wars and had also given instructions to Yu Yang and his team about the recruitment. 

After that, he went to the central part of the city to the Appraiser Tower to complete his mission given by Sect Tower. 

He entered the Appraiser tower, and went to Yue reception desk. A girl was standing there, when saw Jian she greeted.

"Greetings, what can I do for you?"

"I have taken the mission from the Sect tower about the Appraiser."

As Jian explained her he handed her his sect token and one star Alchemy Token. She took the token and verified them.

"Yes, you have accepted the mission, to complete the mission you have to help Appraiser Tower indentify ten things but let me remind you that if even one items description is wrong you will have to face the penalty and you will lose the qualification of Appraiser."