Two Star Appraiser Examination

Jian went back to the first floor after completing his mission but he didn't leave the Appraiser tower. Since he was already here he decided that he would take the examination. 

He moved towards the reception desk, the girl on the reception desk was the same girl who took him to the the second floor. 

She had a questioning look on her face when she saw Jian coming towards her. She still greeted him.

"What else can I do for you?"

"I wish to take two star Appraiser examination."

The girl was shocked because she knew about the mission Jian had taken so she already knew that of he had completed the mission then he would be eligible to take the examination. 

She was shocked because of the same reason as the two elders of the second floor. She had not expected that Jian would successfully complete the mission. 

She immediately asked for the token which he jas gotten after completing the mission and the one star Appraiser Token.