Chapter 1 Welcome to Trainer Paradise.

It is about to start the game we have been waiting for and as for why we were waiting for it so dearly was because it is going to be our new reality.

The universe which was once our home was about to be destroyed since the sun has started to laterite at very high rate due to which outside world was suffering from a new kind of natural calamity it is known as point zero, at this point some place of our earth suddenly dropped with the temperature to - 100 degree Celsius.

All the living creature inside that zone will be destroyed completely with its extinction will be frozen into cold freeze ice layer.

Due to which are saviour who once stopped all the humanity from destroying each other an AI commonly known as Red queen artificial intelligence, initiated an alarm in which the food will be provided by the government and all the people had to stay inside their home locked like a jail.

The pupil who love to enjoy the wild world WhatsApp vacating inside the home for last 100 days and due to which a new out bust of an emotion called thirst of freedom of human.

When the hope was about to be destroyed any information which has travelled from many galacta case were caught by the red queen and was the reason she was able to create a new source of life VR augmented reality.

In this a person can enter a designated pod, which would scan the human body and create a virtual energy augmented body which can survive any kind of heat rays and cold waves was introduced to all the people but what come next was a world frozen in Ice and dust no animal could be seen at that moment red Queen had prepared a program which was to create an imaginary world usac augmentiq technology.

Millions of satellite which were launched into the atmosphere create a new blank covering range of the planet at which several posts which were grounded on the street and other part of the city and the forest was able to receive the signals and transmit it in the form of Wi-Fi, which resulted into a new place called home.

"Hello Trainer of Old, welcome to the world of Monsters my name is Researcher John from Astral Town I welcome you to a new world of Reality."

Smithon opened his eyes as a man in coat lab and tracking suit inside can be seen, " Hello there." he felt a little uncomfortable since he was not able to talk to any human for last 150 days, he also felt that his pronunciation of words were also very different and awkward in comparison to the haydays.

"It's good to meet you young one I felt you were a little awkward talking to me right, don't worry a daughter of mine will with you to travel the world which was the place you were about to be sent right now."

Smithon was a Social leader of a group called Child Root, who usually collect children who are proactive and energetic to work under them, to provide a better environment for all the elderly people in the surrounding city.

"I see Mr Smithon I would request you to choose one of the Pocket Virtual Dex."

Smithon looked at the several Smart phone like gadget were floating infront of him, while he touched the one with Orange colour which used to be his favourite one in the real world, started floating in front of him while the person in front of him smile and gesture to grab it.

Smithon hold it in his hand and a virtual screen pooped out while he saw the man smile while saying "Welcome to the world monster and he will be your first Pocket_Star."

As the world in front of him faded and he found himself in the real world while his eyes twitched as he opened it to see a bright sunlight, which brought tear in his eyes as he looked at the outside world he had been wanted to see for or how many days that he even had forgot about it.

He opened the door, when he heard "From bow on this will be your reality Mr Smith, that's your nickname right." As it faded like it never existed while a beautiful scenery of tree and and a new world which was unknown to them was in front of him.

"Yeah!!!!" Smith broke out in smile as he look at a guy running by his side, screaming his heart out, and well he was very familiar off the feeling the guy was holding onto while running.

But he suddenly saw a little rat type monster which hasn't been seen before in his previous world was running by the side of the guy which ran off in front of him.

When he looked down he saw a tiny hand clutching his pant while a beautiful blue azure eyes looking at him, "It is an fire lizard huh!" Smith looked at the guy who had sharp claw which was embedded inside his hand skin as he grabbed Smith cloth, a cute tail with a blue coloured fire burning on its tip which seemed to be covered with at tough scale.

It has a little pointed Canines coming out of the mouth a little, while had tough scale only covering his hand, tail and legs.

Taking out the Pocket Virtual Dex, he saw an icon on which countless weird creature were drawn selected it to see what was inside given an image of the little creature by his side was covering an slot among the given five.

Fire Lizard: Monster with Fire attributes.

The harden scale in his body is responsible to protect the creature from any attack, with a high Defence it can take on any attack of the same level creature.

They also enable the guy to use fire as the coating to deal damage, but the scale on the hand and leg could not since due to excessive use of it to protect, has lost ability it's ability to create fire.

The body accumulated fire, has been transported to the only scale which was able to produce fire and it is the reason why the tip of the tail has been ablaze.

Name: Smith.

Profession; ? +->


Strength: 4

Agility: 5

Vitality: 3

Dexterity: 4

Intelligence: 5

Command: 5 +>

Pocket_Star: (Avg Bond: 5)

1> Fire Lizard: Level: 1 +->

Potential: Silver +->

Type: Fire

Talent: Flamer

Star's: 5 +->

Moves: Tackle, Scratch, Fire Ember. +->

Description: A slow talented one with fine description can be trained to a higher level.

Available Slot : 4. (1 occupied.) +->

Experience: Collecting.

Login in, collecting the given Exp provided by the system for free every day growth pack.

Experience: 100 Exp. +->

Smithon saw a weird pop up came out and rules which were written into golden and silver runes,

1-> 100 XP will be given to everybody daily basis, which can be used as an wager against a Pocket Star battle.

2-> each Pocket Star who are used inside the battle if lost cannot be used in a simultaneous other battle.

3-> After the HP of the Pocket Star will be dropped to below 5% will be considered lost in the battle of the trainer.

4-> Quest can be taken from federal of Pocket Star, building which can be counted as an a guild.

5-> Several NPC buildings will also provide Quest which can be taken to be able to get Money.

6-> A Pokemon will be traded if the other party is willing to trade their Pokemon with other.

7-> If a transaction is made on the Pocket Star will be able to replace another Pocket Star in a trade section.

There were hundred of rules but above 7:00 were the major rule which has to be follow by any people.

Looking at 100 experience, Smith shook his head and knew to level up a Pocket Star was the best possible option for him right now, but for reason he was not able to shake the feeling that he could use this XP more better than this.

Smith thought for a moment and then try to us the system about how we can use the XP better and possible way he can use, if it cannot give him best direct way of using the XP.

He saw many ways he could use the XP, and they were derived from 1 point to other, given he could used to Level up his Pocket Star, second he could use it to Share it into money from the system which was one time usage benifit, and others, but what caught his attention was to level up the skill the Pocket Star could use.

After levelling up there will only be a little change in status which is is directly related to Hp, as how to increase Strength and agility was hidden given this game was very much related to reality and was not able to judge Pocket Star actual strength.

Second news shocked him the most was that after levelling up he could only e increase the commanding ability and no others that could be level up, well of course he was a human so leveling up will not increase his potential status.

"But it never said that it was an impossible thing right." Smith smiled as he thought of working for future plan as he looked at his own data and the new interference was opened.

Name: Smith Curt.

Description: You are an orphan from the Starlight town, which was under the guardian of city who was once an powerful Pocket Star trainer, who once was ranked among the top of this region.

The point you were sent here was the time when an monster catastrophe has your little your little town, will you enter the story mode or will you start as an new orphan in this city.

Fire Lizard: Level: 1 +->

Potential: Silver +->

Type: Fire

Talent: Flamer

Star's: 5 +->

Moves: Tackle Lv.0 (0±/100), Scratch Lv.0 (0±/100), Fire Ember Lv.0 (0±/100). +->

Description: A slow talented one with fine description can be trained to a higher level.

Available Slot : 4. (1 occupied.) +->

Experience: 100

Scratch Lv.0 (0±/100) / Experience: 100.

Scratch Lv.0^ (100±/100) / Experience: 0.

Scratch Lv.1 (0/300) / Experience: 0.

"alright, I'll like to enter into the story mode of the system."

Ding Teleportation from the safe zone has been started in 1, 2 and 3.

Smith who was lying injured found himself in front of a baby fire lizard who had track him into a safe corner, due to which he was able to feel a little closer to the unknown creature who had saved him and thought of protecting the town he love with the help of the creature.

"Fire, there is a fire at North part of the town, seemed to be attacked by the fire lord reptile."

Scream and Anger which can be visible in the voice of of the npc ring out the whole city, everything was covered in flame and disaster while a little guy was looking at him sneakingly as he was facing his opponent.

Ding gave the nickname to the Fire Lizard:????


(You would like to to name the fire lizard fin yes or no.)


Smith nodded as he stood up and spoke " Fin, use Scratch to your opponent."


The reptile seem to be e liking the name of the fin as it rushed word opponent and with a single slash, a scream echo the Road and a card could be floating in front of it.

Smith stood as he saw the same card floating in front of him wild disappearing and an experience of + 10 was increase inside the system bar.