Chapter 2 The adventurous Quests

"Fin, let's go we have more to do in this situation, I know it will be a little awkward for you to follow my command but I promise that I will always treat you as my family."

Smith had several dialogues popping inside of him as he chose one of them and spoke out from his heart at which a little notification pop up which told him that the fire lizard fin, the bond has increased by 20 points.

In this game, there were too many elements to be discovered by now but Smith was able to discover many of the main properties to be a special Pocket Star trainer, As he walked toward the outside of the small alley in which the little guy had dragged him to protect according to the story, outside his saw many red type monster, running from here and there while many of the Pocket Star trainers fighting with them, he was able to see that humans were able to protect themselves by a weird shield which was made up of thin light element.

They also had guns which were able to shoot out balls which contained many weird attack patterns, sometimes it changes into a fireball, sometimes the gun release of fire breathing which was very astonishing and overwhelming for him, another device of weird sound which made his Pocket Star getting fired up and attack power rising.

"There is so much about this world I don't know but I will get hang of it in the time being."

When a rat type Pokemon saw him and his Pocket Star with which he glared at hospitality filled eyes towards them, Smith knew that they were about to fight with that creature given it was running towards them with full speed, he who knew nothing about the attack pattern never realize that the momentum of the rat type monster increased as it is smashed with Fin, Fin was thrown back while it sustains huge damage, letting out a painful squeak, but responded himself as a fire ember ablaze at its tail while he jumped in a circle which made its tail launching a fire ember at Rat type monster with huge momentum.


The fire ember connected and the Rat-type Pocket Star let out a painful squeak as it slowly turns into Ash and a card made up of energy floated in front of smith while converting into 50 XP.

"A new trainer package is inside your special pack you can open it by your command inside the mind where you can find a Potion which can heal Your Pocket star."

A notification popped in front of smith as he opens the package while different kinds of things were present in front of him in which one of them contains 10 Potion.

Concentrating on the portion he was able to extract inside his hand as he looked at the spray which he could use on the Pocket Star of his to increase the reduced HP, after looking around here we also find that this is also very close to Reality, the attack can be dodge if performed perfectly.

After which he was able to defeat many rat-type monsters as he ran toward his orphanage, where he saw a group of 3 rat-type monsters slamming at the door which was closed tightly by the group.

Smith, asked Fin to attack the rat type monster who was at the back of the group of 3, fin walk very silently as he rushed to word when closer to the group and use scratched with all his might defeating the monster, who again turn into an energy card and was sent inside him.

When the other two monsters realized that their partner was dad the second Monster was already d in the grass of the clutches of Fin, Smith looked closely as he found that whenever Fin uses the scratch attack the nails which were hidden deep inside the finger wood turn into to sharp Fang attacking the monster.

So that's why he can deal so much damage and it seems his only lack is agility but are there any different attacks that can influence the agility of the Pocket Star.

Smith thought as a look at Finn who was attacking the third Monster if we the gate, after which Smith run toward the gate and knocked it a little by saying "gramps it is Smith please open the door."

When the door open he saw a familiar face from his real-world which had died in front of him due to cold waves which and the person he like into smithereens.

"Smith, thank goodness you are alright, oh bless the god of Starlight to have saved you." Smith's feelings were in turmoil as he wastes to abuse the system and wanted to thank it because he truly wished to see this old man even for once, given even it's only a virtual reality.

This was a program that was made by the red Queen so that the people of the real world should feel a little closer toward the world she had created in this virtuality.

"Gramps it's alright since this little guy had helped me to get through this."

Smith spoke as Gramps I was a little hesitant but he still speaks it out, given a little girl from the orphanage who was at the same age as Smith was stuck in the shopping district, while Smith knew it was another notification about a new quest.

"Don't worry Gramps, I will go and help her out sins fighting with these monsters, I have developed a little confidence in taking on the challenges ahead, so leave everything to me for this once," Smith spoke out without any e help of system assistant since you always wanted to say this in the real-life too.

Running, he saw a Red colour Fox fighting with many trainers who were injured and on the side of that monster was a small building where a small girl was hiding while shivering in fear, but what shocked him was that it was not an NPC, the sign over her head was of an online player.

Even so, she was shivering in fear which was created by the system to make the story a little better and real, but the eyes of the girl were looking around to see above the head of the people around her, Smith was able to tell that she was looking for a player to help her in this quest.

When she found Smith her eyes sparkle with new vitality as she smiled at him.

Emilia was stuck at request which she was not able to help and complete but the Quest reward was so interesting that she could not help but ok it, finally, when she saw a young man with blonde hair who seem to be from America she was a little relieved and smiled at the person since she knew only a player will be able to help her out of the quest given it was the only option which the system has provided her.

Smith rushed as he called Fin and spoke "Fin uses the fire ember aimed at the head of the monster continuously until it hit the eyes of the monster."

Since the monster was preoccupied with all the NPC fighters, Smith did not rush for help but used the advantage of the distraction to injured The Monster badly so that he could attack and defeat it in a quick manner.

The fox Pokemon let out a fire attack which almost injured most of the trainers but saw a small fire ember attacking toward it and one of it hit its eyes. Fin uses the moment it let out a scream which hid its footstep while his close attacked the neck of the Pokemon dealing huge damage which headphone it to work the other side of the building and turning into an Ember red Card, flowing in front of Smith.

He knew he had Finally completed the Quest, the girl was happy to be free as she rushed at Smith and spoke "hello there friend thank you for completing this quest this quickly or I would have to stay there for a lot of time. Ahh! sorry about that I didn't even introduce myself right, My name is Emilia nice to meet you."

"Hello my name is Smith, it is good to meet you too, and it's nothing since I was completing my Quest to so so I think we should go over there the Pocket Star trainer had been waiting for us a lot of time."

Smith smiled as they walked toward the NPC trainer, who was talking with them very friendly manner while among them was a certain and NPC.

Spoke to them "Good day to you guys, I hope we were able to help you out but I had a request of both of you since the attack has begun there is a poison-type snake monster roaming in a place around the Orphanage alley."

While they knew it was about the quest, they had to rush given Emilia was given a Pocket Star of her own, which was normal type fox Pokemon, which was a little cute and good-looking compared to all the Monster Smith has seen till now.

Which was the second Pocket Star she got after coming into this world and so Smith knew she would have a lot of potentials given she already has a second one where no one has got in till now.

Plus as for the better since it could be trained given he was a Rookie half an hour ago when he started the game.

"She had a lot of luck under her belt if so it would be best that I can maintain a good relationship with her giving I already have a Trump card since I was the first friend she had made after coming here due to her quest."

As they were rushing towards the orphanage Smith told her everything he knew about and how to fight, she was shocked as she thought that Smith was very e intelligent given he had used exp to level up a skill, not the Pocket Star, given according to the system was truly a good choice.

She thought it would be best if she were able to friendship with the boy in front of her given he is smart and very calm-headed compared to all the boys she had known.

Plus after the solitude, he was the first person and her mind was a little calm whenever she talked to this guy, on the other hand, Smith was trying to be talking in a manner where she could be at ease as he was also aware how hard it could be to talk after that.