Chapter 4 Adventure and Quest Search.

with the emergency Quest complete, the state of the town started to regroup while all the monsters had been driven out by the trainers and their Pocket Star ✨ during the fight the casualty rate of death and injured had simultaneously increased to a large amount and Smith had something in his mind where he can get the quest, no not just Quest but a lot of quests from, Emilia also had something in her mind while she gives out a team notification to Smith who accepted it easily while bidding his farewell.

" Then, we will meet again shortly given I think I will be travelling down this world for the time being when the time comes I will come and join your group for sure given I already have accepted the request of yours right." Smith smiled where Emilia also nodded as they walked away to find their Quests.

Allen walked toward the Federation of Pocket Star, to register as a trainer only then he will be viable to keep fin with him and he also wanted to see e the question related to collect some kind of herbs or any material which can be used for healing purposes.

After a war like that the most important thing could be food water shelter and finally healing types of equipment, given in this world of Monster there might be some kind of fruits and others which can be sold out to arrange person for the higher rate.

Given Smith had whatsoever no idea what kind of root will be able to have the healing property so he could only except Quest on which the majority of people had posted for and he will also target Quest related to Pocket Star Center, which is a facility which could heal Pocket Stars and peoples as well, Entering he found an NPC girl smiling at him as she brought him inside while asking "Hello sir Smith I am sure you are here for or joining the federation right."

"Yes, may I trouble you for that given it is my first time coming to the federation building like this?" Smith nodded as he walked politely and sat on the sofa while the NPC girl sat in front of him, saying " Then, please allow me to conduct a simple viva at which I will ask you a few questions you had to answer me."

Asking her question, which Smith was easily able to answer and all the surroundings started to get bustling with the activity of many people who were here to conduct their own business with the federation.

after Smith has answered all the questions, he saw a panel opening in front of him in which he was able to see all the rules and the necessity which is needed to be a Pocket Star trainer, there were few rules which were important for his current level given.

Pocket Dex had 5 transparent and glass-like objects he could control in my mind, which is responsible for capturing the monster which the trainer wanted to tame, as Smith thought about it a panel inside his pocket dex came out reducing the panel inside it to 4.

Fin looked at Smith given when he saw his Panel coming out it jumped and signal Fin that it was his Panel, while the panel which should be in the shape of a cuboid started to liquefied into a transparent liquid ball which he can expand or shrink at his thought.

The second rule was that the panel ball size should be at the same size as the monster or bigger to capture it, if not it will be damaged and will burst out into the liquid.

Looking at the rule he asked if he could sell the snake body here and the lady was happy to help him out in that.

Smith walk with him to enter the certain place where he was able to call out the body of the snake which have left much on the ground with the crater while a person came out from the other side of the door and the look that the person who brought the snake with a simple smile while taking out a panel and throw at Smith at which the number of points was given.

Those points were federal points which can be used as a currency in any City under the federation, given he had already researched about the federal coin he started looking at the amount at which he was shocked but was able to cover it up quite nicely, walking out of the door he walked to word a certain place where we can buy a different kind of ebooks at which we can learn about fruits which can have a different kind of effect on the Pocket Star ✨.

Given he was able to buy it for 30 federal points at which he was left with 970 federal points, through which he bought different kinds of things like more panels which can be used to capture monsters and different kinds of healing stuff which can be used in an adventure, Nayak pocket start a food and anything else.

After everything was over he was only left with 50 points of Federal coins. Shaking his head he started to work out with a different motive to let the people think he was helping out in helping the injured.

Smith silently walk inside Pocket Star centre where he asked for the doctor to help a certain boy which he found injured when he was coming through the street and given he only found a single player accept him and Emilia roaming in the street.

After which he was able to get the quest by Nurse inside the centre

Quest: good morning to you young trainer, I was saying that you were very helpful for us in the during of crisis while I can say that your motive to help is very admirable but recently e we were lacking in a certain ingredient which is helpful for a healing potion, can you help me to search it out for the city and its people.

Reward: we currently lack money for a federation point, so we can only give you a simple person creation recipe in return for your kind help.

Smith's eyes shone as he accepted it immediately given potion were like rolling money for Smith, given when he was buying the portion which can heal people or Pocket Star he was able to see the price because around 300 Federal points and on the point that the portion sold out there was diluted one, the real price of the portion which is used inside the Pocket Star centre is actually 10 times more costly than ever.

This simply means, even if he has to sell it at a low cost which is half of the cost Pocket Star centre is selling at, he can earn around 1500 Federal point's.

As for the cost of the material, when he had bought the books of fruits which can be helpful on healing and other He was able to find out about all the ingredients required are easier to find but is inside a certain forest where the danger of wild Monster moving here and there is very high.

Show the cost of material skyrocketed because most of the time trainer had to fight them to get it for others and they also need to be profited from it's so the cost of the real material increased simultaneously from passing vendor.

On the other thought, he can also ask Emilia and his team to provide all the material for him and he can stand out a few accumulated ones over.

So he had many ideas to gang up money since travelling in this world is not going to be a free service for him, given black reality, he has to face many challenges like passport and other while his Pokemon twin it can be called a passport but with the higher authorities we will be easily able to access the knowledge of the city and other things for that, he might end up spending a lot amount of money.

He had to think about Emilia and her team too, so they can grow into a powerful team and with that in mind, we will be able to reassure that in the coming world which they are about to land he will have a solid backing.

After he had collected the Quest all he needed to travel to the other City since many of the Quest requested him to provide those materials to the second city which was closer to it and they will use the teleportation gadget to send all the material in this cities Pocket Star centre.

He can also get to go to a new city and by the intel, he gets from the drunken geezer, he might be able to catch many water type Monsters among their beast which had the highest talent possible.

Passing through the gate he had to show his Pocket Star trainer ID only then a person is allowed to leave the city and go to the outside world since it is quite dangerous to let people out this is strict laws were created by the federation to stop the people mortality rate.

But for many this law became a jail which had taken away their freedom to go outside the world and to do whatever they wish to do, Smith was able to sympathize with those people since he knew what it meant to be locked inside somewhere But he could not afford to look away since he knew they were locked inside a city, not inside a small pod where you can't even talk to a certain person.

"Mom, Dad are you guys alright and sorry I do not wish to face you guys right now." Smith sighed as he walked out while Emilia looked at Smith and sighed since she was able to tell why Smith was so obsessed with adventuring out the beautiful world, he was just trying to run away from something and that was the only truth which he knew off from the very beginning.

The outside world didn't seem to be that dangerous while he kept on moving, he didn't come across anything, while the density of grass and tree started to increase when he finally saw the monster, it was similar to the bird type he had known from the Emilia.

Smith realise it was not going to attack him or anything when he remembered that wild animals are also like this and they do not attack anyone they see, and that is the person who is not approaching it.

Fin looked at his master while he pulls his pant as if saying 'He is fine, and don't worry about it.'

Hmm! Smith was not in battle maniacs so he doesn't attack the monster and silently walked past it given that master this seems to be flying type must have weak potential giving at the infobox he was able to see that its age is around 12 years but was not able to evolve into other forms of his, which was given in the dictionary he had collected from the federation building at the cost of 5 points.