Chapter 5 Revelation and Fairy type Noble.

Going out foreign adventure Smith was thrilled to the top give in it will be his first adventure inside this world, for that he has chosen the Western gate of the town to leave since the northern part of the town lead to to the ground of the forest which is covered by most of the grass type and many adventures have taken the Quest to bring out the food for the fruit which has a healing property for both men and Pocket Star ✨.

Smith was quite call about this sense the water-type Pokemon must live inside area filled with water and trees give in it will be exactly the think a highly nutritious and healing property type of fruit to be discovered in the similar area, given there were three villages in between to the place of the town he was asked to go to.

Finally, he saw the first monster of Water-type while Fin came in front of him and looked at the fish which was swimming in the shallow water and glaring at them, Smith calmly assessed the situation and had already worked out the plan he will take out in this kind of situation given in the don't have to win this fight to get away alive.

Fin was a fire type while water type had its advantage against fin so so they only had the claw attack and tackle which were not easy to beat, Smith got excited as he looked at his partner while saying that 'Buddy this will be our very first adventure and our very first fight in the outside world, so let's give it our best to win at all cost.'

'Fineor.' little guy roar with enthusiasm filling its voice and its feelings.

"now just what your enemy with all you got and wait for my command to use scratch with the whole momentum of the body I know you can do it buddy." at which finish started running with all he got toward the enemy while his tiny feet carried his momentum which was slowing down due to water and fish type Monster took the advantage of it and dove inside the water.

Smith concentrated on his mind On The Water surface while keeping his mind silent and peaceful to hear everything and anything surrounding them when he suddenly shouted "Use Scratch now." at which fin roar and used all his body to throw I scratch in front of him where suddenly the fish type monster jump out from and got direct hit with the lethality of the momentum.

At this point, Smith saw that the XP of his pocket star started to rise with a dark red colour XP which was giving a very intense feeling of heat and power.

Using his mind he used some of the XP to transfer to tu Ember attack and saw that the lethality of the skill increased tremendously.

After the fish Disappeared there were many kinds of fruit floating over the water which was collected by Smith and so that 70% of them were healing type and 30% was of fruit type of water effect.

He smiled while they started walking but this time Smith ask his pocket start to sit on the shoulder while he will be moving for both of them given the little guy was also a living creature inside this game which was based on a reality show it also had limited amount of stamina and giving the body office the stamina could be measured easily in front of his stamina, for the current state that is.

The glimmer on Fin eyes seems to have deep in hearing his trainer word's as they smiled and continued on their journey.

After going on through the adventure they didn't encounter much of the enemy giving Smith was the way to sceptical about it. it was his first time to see such a silent place and to boot with a forest silence which made it very eeriely type of situation, looking around they finally saw a monster of water Poison-type and it seems to be a smaller version of the snake they had defeated at the town.

After the snake saw them Fin already by its side and an Amber attack from its mouth had attacked its eyes damaging it a lot which was seen by the hissing of his in pain, given the time the snake could deal with the pain Fin white attack on the neck while using scratch attack with its all to end it in a second.

After they continued to move and finally found the road back again and walked on it, by the side Smith saw a special monster which seems to be a plant type.

But doesn't seem to be quite harmful, with its small feet it started walking toward Smith like a child running toward its food, on the way it stumbles a lot but still kept on walking toward them, Fin was a lot relaxed toward the little guy which meant was not harmful to them.

Smith take that the little guy while a notification ring on his pocket dex,

Grass Plant: Level: 2 +->

Potential: Silver +->

Type: Grass, Water

Talent: Heal

Star's: 5 +->

Moves: Tackle, Bite, Heal pulse, Vine Whip. +->

Description: A slow talented one with a fine description can be trained to a higher level.

Looking at which Smith was quite shocked and quite delighted since it was a rare type with healing abilities give one he had heard from many adventures that they would need a healer type or something like that but were unable to get because of the rarity to find them in the wilderness is close to zero.

Finally, he looked at the little guy and asked " Hey their buddy, I truly don't want to hurt you but I also need your help in the future upcoming battle and wanted to form a team, so will you come with me to my adventure and the only thing I can promise is that to keep you feed up and make you the strongest in this world."

Little gay seemed to be prepared to join them and nodded his head in urgency while opening its mouth and saying it needs some food with its action, Smith ended up laughing at the little guy antics while taking out the food which was meant for any kind of monster while feeding it.

Smith took a look inside the containers, at which the egg of the Pocket Star which has been drop by the snake guy I was lying down and entered some fruits which he had collected into its container.

the container would turn the fruits into juice and transplant it around the egg so that it could absorb steadily and slowly, which seem to be the property of the egg cover.

Due to this technology of converting into juice, the Pocket Star which has been grown up by a trainer using the incubating cylinder ended up with a greater amount of potential than the normal one.

finally, he took out the food which was specially prepared for Fin and give it to it, Fin ate happily while looking at the little guy from time to time and giving some of its food to it, Smith was smiling silently looking at the same as if a little brother was fed up by his big brother even though both of them were from different attributes and type.

it was clear to see that Monster usually doesn't attack each other then Smith was deep into the thought that why would they attack the human town like that and the other thing was that only a few of the monster would attack them while other when the time came would help human to survive.

Due to which even trainers would not attack indiscriminately any monster until they try to attack them but they usually keep a Pocket Star outside so that in case of emergency they could defend each other.

'Maybe some kind of thing makes them attack us or I could not think of anything else.' finally when the little guy was done with eating Smith was shocked out of his soul give in the little plant type converted into you are little plant and fairy type with a cute appearance.

Fairy Plant: Level: 5 +->

Potential: Gold +->

Type: Grass, Water and Psychic

Talent: Over Heal

Star's: 5 +->

Moves: Leafcutter, Agility, Heal pulse, Vine Whip and Charm. +->

Description: A slow talented one with a fine description can be trained to a higher level.

Little girl right! smiled at Smith like a human expression and spoke "I'll follow you my master and thank you for being so kind to me and feed me."

Even though it was telepathic speaking, Smith was stunned and finally look back at the little guy, no little girl and smiled himself too.

"Huh! this world seems to be way too mysterious than I thought it could be." Smith shook his head and asked the little girl " Given your strength and potential I can tell that you are very strong, so why do you want to follow me out given both of us are not capable enough to catch you."

"I don't like to be with humans but after I heard your partner thought, I found out that following you would not be a bad idea and I always wanted to be with a person with a good heart who can treat both of us Monster and human equality." Little fairy spoke while Smith nodded his head when he heard.

"And for the other cause, someone needed my help in the future coming battle and wanted to form a team, so will I thought to come with you for an adventure since he can promise to keep my feed up and make me the strongest in this world why won't I can't join him."

She spoke as she smiled more and more like a human at which Smith was shocked and asked "Then can you tell me what kind of real-world you have and what kind of agreement the red Queen make with you to enter this world of the game."

"Hmm! you are very intelligent and that's good, given everything you have predicted is the truth because I am allowed to tell a single person in this world about the secret of that world which you guys are being transported to right now but due to the time limit is around 300 years to reach there which only meant only three years for me, we were asked to keep it quiet."

"We monster is real and the situation you are facing is something we are facing on the real planet, also this body of yours is an augmented form of energy which is connected to your real body so currently, the planet you are standing on is reality, that is why it was called Augmented reality."

"If your partner truly dies here, that will means he will die in the real world, but due to ultra-strong Pocket Star called Cerebus can divide that if it is only that for 5 hour and if I power has already passed it will die completely rebirth into another species."