Chapter 3: Dangerous Contract of the Beast

High priests are given to those who know and convicted themselves as God's disciples. They can hear, talk and feel the almighty holiness of the gods and goddesses. Of course, to become a high priest or priestess, one must serve the gods wholely and believe in their powers used known as the 'Divine Forms'.

A high priest is one of the people who may be able to heal hundreds of wounded men without the lack of mana pool. High priests are often to be seen because they wander around the world to make peace with nature.

High priests are being chosen over centuries of worth that one person must accommodate and must be chosen by the God. Those who will be chosen will become a high priests until their very last breath and another high priest is bound to be born once again.

After all, what happens with the high priest Narzia is different because there was no history written in any kinds of outlets, data, or people who can define an existence of a human turning into a godly form. There was no such thing that can make a human flesh shift into a God or Goddess.

If there was such a thing, the high priest over Millenium will become gods themselves but in the case of the young high priest, Narzia was different she was an oracle child of the gods who was chosen before her existence to the world.

Narzia a human priest has given her entire body, soul, and mind to the gods that made her a high priest. She showed the gods that her power despite being weak and fragile can help millions of people by harming herself in order to accomplish that scale.

God's who didn't know that what she did happen become furious of her action. Instead of turning her into a demon, they decided to turn her into a goddess so she will reflect on which mistakes were given to her by meaning.

The high priestess, Narzia, is one of the only people who convince many people of the worth of their own life. However, a rumor spread the truth of her disappearance that she became a goddess by body, mind, and soul.

The humans who still believe that she was the hope of this world. They build the empire, Narzasius, the Holy kingdom of the west, one of the temples built on the nearest cliff in perform of offering the goddess her shrine of blessing.

However, years and centuries had bound to change history. The Narzasius Kingdom fell into the hands of a demon performer and the Narzasius kingdom was tainted with sins. To save the grief shame of the Narzasius Kingdom, Narzia the High Priest decided to stop the demon performer from summoning a true demon lord that will destroy the world.

That's when the time, Narzia used her power, not for just healing but also for harming. The Narzasius Kingdom fell into the hands of a new empire after the High Priest Narzia vanishes without a trace.

Just even thinking about what the goddess has done made her think that the goddess was only protecting what was left with her.


There she goes, the temple she seeks is right before her hands. The glowing mana stone of the Beast. The stone has unique curving to become more different from any stones it can be seen from history.

She was about to attempt on moving towards the altar which lay the stone in circles surrounded by water ponds.

"Human! "

A roar of a furious male voice comes across on her ears echoing like a wildfire while sudden bursts of wind evolved on her body.

She looks elsewhere to see the owner of the voice that was loud enough to make her eardrum bleed. Yet no matter where she looks, there was nothing but stones, water, altar, fire pit, and stairs.

"Where are you!? " She asked but then the voice becomes quiet and all of her doubts become an illusion.

"Human, what are you doing in here? " The voice that scared her become gentle and bleeze, it might be because her expression defines her fear after hearing the voice that it come from him.

"I--- I came to find the King of Beasts..." She gripped her dress and she tightened her composure but she acts with cautious since she doesn't know where the voice came from.

"The King? A human knew about the King? What do you want from him?" The voice asked confused but curious of her reasons.

"He's been asleep in these ruins for centuries, that is why I came to make a deal with him. It's a matter of my survival and I will do everything to survive. " The voice suddenly was surprised by her answer, instead of demanding the Beast to give her power and obey her orders, the human came to ask a deal with a beast and she might not know we'll about beasts consider that she's aware of his existence.

"Child, the beast you seek is now talking to you. I don't know what was your reasons for coming to this temple, but I assure you that I will not harm you. I am not mad enough not to hear the plea of a single person, so what is the deal you offer for me to help you? " Kiana felt the urge of happiness but soon she calms herself since it's not yet her victory. The Beast demands his share of negotiation so the only thing she can do is to make no ill intention and convince the King by evidence and methods she can offer a King.

Kiana looked at the stone in front before she nodded so the King could see her agreeing and happy about his consideration.

"I am well aware that you are not capable of escaping this temple as long as you won't make contact with anyone. I want to be your partner! " The beast suddenly fell into silence before his voice created a sigh blowing his throat and he looked at the girl in front.

"Only those who are convicted to a Divine Form can ask me those favors. I don't think your qualifi--"

"King! I am... " She becomes silent before she flinched.

"Then will my Divine Form can satisfy you? " Kiana desperately asks so the Beast was left speechless and he took some silence to think about before he smirks.

"Divine Form came from priests and priestesses who made themselves disciples of God's. How will you perform such a thing if you are not even a convicted god's worshiper? " Kiana bites her lips in the response that the Beast gives her.

"I am well aware but, " she lifts her hands and within her wounded lips her fingers that touch her lips suddenly glow a massive brightness that covered the entire temple.

Ever since Kiana came back from the dead. Strange events were acquired in her daily life when she discovers an uncertain ability that she mastered without practice nor not even noticing it.

She always knew that she isn't blessed with light attribution of Divine Form but then she strangely acquires this ability only after 5 days when she wakes up.

The light soon fades and her wound was nowhere to be found. The Beast was fascinated yet he was shocked. There's something wrong with her but why is it that she can wield healing ability why does her Divine Form has a high capacity if she's not a God's disciple.

"I see, you acquire a temporary ability because your Mana Pool which to where your Divine Form flows. The life within your soul is much more stronger compared to your current form. " The beast smirked but he fell into a slight silence after observing a fascinating show that his curiosity upon the outside world evolves.

It's been centuries since he saw a human as tiny as her, and it's been very long since he even sees the sky that he once adores. This time the Beast didn't decide for too long, in fact, the show that Kiana showed to the Beast was fascinating that he wishes to see those times again.

"You, are you aware of this contract?" The Beast asks though he doesn't know if she knows everything before coming here but because after seeing her expression, he can tell that she only knew a few about a contract with the beast.

"I've read books about it... It doesn't have much information so I didn't know about everything." She responded remembering the books she read after coming here.

'It wasn't that much data, so I came with a lack of knowledge about the contract.'

"Human, the contract is not a child's play. There are 3 conditions and 3 benefits to making a deal with a Beast. Do you truly wish to continue?" Though she was determined, he wants to confirm before performing the ritual.

"Yes, " the Beast nodded.

"I have 3 conditions for this deal. First I will consume your mana to use spells as I please. Second, you will have to go to a temple for purification every month, I'm sure you humans have temples in here. Third, I will not like any demands from any humans. " He said, thinking that this is the condition of every King who lives in this world.

"You have 3 benefits in here so don't worry. You will be protected within my power. You will be able to create an appearance for me to use. You can use my power using enchanted spells but I will consume higher mana than the limit I will take. " Kiana looked a little trouble by the condition and benefits that the Beast said.

"I see, " she faintly smiled.

"I will accept everything and I'm ready! " Her determination reaches the Beast heart and he nodded.

'She must have suffered a lot for her to be this desperate for assistance...'