Chapter 4: Beginning of the Purge

The beast was able to gather his energy upon absorbing every liquid leaking around the temple. With the gathered energy, he will be able to perform the ritual without the lack of Divine Energies.

Kiana remains silent, as she watches how nature goes against the beast controlling a mere crystal and absorbing all of the liquid in this place.

A splash of light explodes after the beast gathers his strength and then the stone float to approach the unreachable master of his.

Kiana slowly touches the crystal in fascination but after a few meters, the crystal blinded her with a darkroom in a void without a light. The same as the void she saw from the afterlife.

"What is this? " She asks throughout the cold and dark space.

"This is the space between the consciousness of your mentality, a place inside your mind, and where your mana pool resides. I'm using your own mana to mark the blood contract, this will take time so you must never feel any sign of fear or the contract will be corrupted with hate and it will affect you. " He said explaining to Kiana that her fear will affect the contract and her, if that happens, there are chances that the contract will harm her.

Kiana realizes that what she had done is a life or death situation but despite that, she was desperate and will do everything to change her terrifying future that will hold her life on the edge and to take revenge upon the reason for her death.

'The crown prince, those bastards, my own uncle, and even the Countess, the emperor's mistress! You will all pay, blood for blood, and you owe me your life! '

She tried not to show her hate and she tried calming her exploding mind before she was able to feel relax. Then she waited patiently for the beast to finish the ritual.

According to the beast, it is not painful since it will only consume mana and energy.

Thought that was true, the high priest of the future might be stronger than she could ever imagine. Since the beast said using mana may increase one person's Divine Form and with that said, only those who's a disciple of God can avoid and withstand this phenomenon to their body.

Suddenly the void that surrounded the space slowly fades into colorful light. The image of the same altar went back to her as if only her sight turns to black.

"Contract successfully written..."

"Now, say my name, soon to be my companion." The wind suddenly felt windless because she can't feel the air, anyhow she knew that the motion of the wind stopped responding as if it was stopped for personal making.

Of course, before she gets to the bottom of this, she needs to secure her contract with the Beast.

"Raele, " she said.


Byrne's Residence became chaotic soon as the doted daughter of the Duke disappears without any trace. Her whereabouts cannot be located neither if she has been kidnapped...

The personal affair of the family spread like a wildfire on the neighboring noble houses since the known daughter of the Duke, Kiana Byrne is considered a genius and one of the beauties of this kingdom.

Now that she was said to be gone for almost 10 days, her location even if she was kidnapped there should be any trace of her kidnappers but there's none.

The Duke was silent on this matter but he was furious, mad, and frustrated. That is why, he dispatched 200 knights on the search of her daughter, each of them was assigned different groups and they also assign Knights to patrol the forest near the Bryne Residence.

"What!? " The voice of the furious Duke echoed thought hearing the first report made him tremendously mad.

"We receive news about the lady, one citizen saw her on the town without any escorts and she's covered in cloak but her emblem was seen so she was able to recognize her. The Lady was spotted there and most of them confirmed that she entered the forest. " He reported but the Duke seems to be unhappy of this revelation, of course, he didn't know that his own daughter left and went roaming around in a place that the knights hadn't yet reported as a safe zone.

The Forest Of Narzia, the old temple home and it is the place where the High Priest Narzia became a goddess. Of course, it was only known as the Forest Of Narzia because no one has able to enter that place which contains many wild animals that are thurst of blood.

"Sir Conrad, I respect you as much. You are the head commander of House Byrne, I know I'm asking too much but please seek my daughter out there. She's maybe a smart lady but my daughter has a weak body that can't be ignored." If it was about her daughter, the Duke is capable of bowing in front of a mere commoner unless it's personal but because he was Duke.

Sir Conrad, the commander of Byrne's expert squadron, he holds the most achievement of naming as the Squadron's leader. He was a son of a fallen baron, born as a nobleman but his father committed a grave sin that was punishable by death. Conrad was taken liking by the Duke, he took him as his apprentice and acknowledge his unforeseen skills with handling swords, bow, and javelin.

He became the proud knight of the Byrne, he led many outstanding knights and taught them things that they should know.

Conrad is not. only amazing but also a brilliant student of the Duke.

Sir Conrad was used to his master's brave and courageous behavior as well as his hobby of caring for his daughter. He was determined to find her so the only thing that Conrad can do is face it and find her safe at the sound.

Conrad kneels on his knee, bowing his head as low as he remembers. "I will do my best to find the lost lady━no I will absolutely find her safe and sound. " The Duke slowly fell on his desk chair as he rubs his head thinking how his daughter had done that.

Conrad nodded and he left the room without making any noise leaving the Duke being stressed from overthinking.

Should be in a matter before they find her, his doted daughter.


Long before Kiana can remember, she slept on the temple unable to resist the temptation of the beast from exhausting her energy. Soon after she wakes up, she was laying in a soft cotton small bed made of unknown skins that were soft enough for her.

She stood rubbing her crazy head to the point that the pain of being dizzy didn't go away. It seems that the effect was too much for her to handle yet she still survives the purge.

"I told you didn't I? There are punishments for defying the law. " Soon after her head freshens a little bit, the same voice as the beast appears once more but this time within a body of an animal, a small fluffy baby fox animal, a cute one and its unique white.

"This is nothing, a small headache cannot stop me from my wishes. " She said fixing herself and sat comfortably on the fur bed.

"Your really stubborn for a human, " Reale said looking at his partner made him realize that she's the first human who's different from the ones that he serve hundred and years ago.

He didn't seem to feel that she's a mad crazy woman, nor someone whose desire for power, or a priestess who came to make her vows.

Her soul is different. The aura of her body didn't match the aura of her soul. Her soul's aura tells that it was refined, matured, and powerful compared to her body that is weak and fragile at the moment.

"There are things I like to confirm, who are you? " It wasn't a question that is silly nor harmful but that made her heartthrob within the rage of bursting.

'Have he notice the difference?'

Despite knowing herself that she is Kiana Byrne no matter the era or time. So why did she feel like an outsider of that question he made?

"Is there a difference between me and myself to ask such a question?" She asked.

Raele looked at her and he nodded. "Your soul has been refined and mature yet your body is not. That way your soul and your body do not match at all. "