
'Dinner wasn't extremely interesting, at least I wasn't old enough to need human flesh'

Ray's face dropped at the notion of eating another human regardless of his new form.

Perhaps he should try and see if demons could be vegetarian?

"Here you go little man, all nice and cosy"

'So she says'

Ray's nurse Opal was old but not in the way one would think with wrinkled skin and white hair. No in this kingdom like explained before many were of the supernatural and Ray's nanny was no exception.

She was what they called a hybrid, one of scales and fins, Ray wasn't sure of what kind of parents birthed her. But based on the fact that this woman nursed his parents and their parents before them, it was made clear she was either immortal or aged slower.

'Thinking about age, I wonder how old my parents are? Or even how old a royal demon can age?'

Once sure his nanny was out of sight, Ray sat up and with great effort- his little body was really doing him nothing on the strength side right now.

'Tiny fucking arms and legs, how annoying this is' it was so difficult to just turn, let alone climb which is what Ray had to do in order to crawl across the plush floor of his room to the shelf of books.

'Fun fact, this room used to be the eldest sister Roses's.

Although she wanted a bigger room after hitting 17- did I mention 20 in demon years was still a fledgling as she was still treated as a baby by mother?'

It was tough being such a mature young demoness- the oldest sibling that was a world class talent at magi but barely taken serious by her parents.

'Hence why there were so many books in this room, they hadn't bothered to take them away considering that Rose sometimes invaded my room to collect an old treasure for some study.'

Making it slowly across the floor by crawling, Ray slightly sped himself up as he let his magi flow through his circuit veins to reach the shelf faster. At least faster than what it would ordinarily take him- (10 minutes tops).


[circuit veins]

- Abbreviation of circuitry veins 


Ray had read by now 17 books and was still going, fascinated by their way of magi and magical properties. 'It seemed they knew relatively more than those in my past life however lacked key factors to utilise it'

They only thing with reading so many words at once, was the fact that sometimes Ray momentarily forgot how to read.

Due to his brain being that of a 2 year old but his consciousness that of when he died at 27, it really confused a bunch of things.

But also the fact that nothing was written in English!? It seemed Ray was able to understand basic letters and symbols based off of natural instinct. The symbols mentioned in the books where sometimes on simple things like a lamp or bed rest.

'I'm not sure if they are spells carved or burned onto these things but it would seem that this language is engraved in our minds upon birth? Perhaps an ancestral thing or sorts? Like I said before- if I actually paid attention in high school I might have learned something. Thinking about it now it seems that my abilities and strength were all that saved me. No wonder why I was so gullible back then, that really pisses me off.'

It was another night of full reading for Ray, as this book was focused on reforming the body, 'demons with their cores would shed their skin after a bone hardening? What kinda alien bull shit was that? And why the skin?'

Reading some more Ray found out that during the process of one's hardening, bones would get thicker and stronger but also lighter as it would be hollowed out for the flow of magi like a circuitry vein!

'No wonder why they didn't need more than one core! They had hollow bones!' This was probably why when Ray killed a demonic creature back in the past nothing was left over because the magi would burn the body apart!

'Holy shit! If I was still alive in my past life and had this knowledge, scientists would pay millions for this information. The possibilities of 'bring a demonic creature back from a chain field' would have been worth quite a bucket load of cash!'

But bone hardening came with risks, if the body wasn't strong enough to maintain a balanced flow of magi through the core and circuitry veins. Then one would risk shredding their veins apart and cracking their core to bits. The odds of this procedure are either you succeed or you're crippled for life and the best doctors would only be able to do is spare you the pain of the aftermath.

'But if I did succeed with this at a young age and reformed my bones constantly over a period of time with more than one core and open up multiple circuitry veins- that would essentially be my foundation from my past life with modifications!'

Depression once again set above Ray's baby form next to the shelf of books as he recalled all those days of training and vigorous exercises and attempts at specialised moves.

'Why was this life also making me wish for the afterlife with how simple it is?'

=The next day=

"Oh my!?" Came a voice laced with shock, the nanny at a hurried speed was at the prince's side in an instant, checking on Ray's pulse as he laid on the floor. 'I was certain I adjusted the crib so he wouldn't be able to escape this time-' her thoughts were cut off however as her magi that had been pouring into the prince to check on his vitals stumbled across his foundation. 'My lord in hell!? What the devil is that' staring back at her almost, she could see 3 small cores and the young prince's circuitry veins hard at work pulling in magi from around them and even taking some of hers as she observed the new turn of events.

'This boy is a genius, not only has he opened up his circuitry veins lord knows when - he's made not just one but three cores putting even the most oldest royal ancestors to shame!' For whatever reason fear struck her as she carefully extracted her magi from the prince and laid him down upon the plush floor once again.

Did she report this to his majesty the king or not? The queen?

Ray who had felt the intrusion of magi had woken up quite a bit ago but didn't act right away, in fact he wanted to see what reaction would come of his progress.

But this wasn't exactly what he had in mind as opal the nanny began to make haste for the door. Without thought Ray shot himself forward lunging towards the back of her head. Without much effort thanks to his development of his circuitry veins over the past week and the efforts of last night.

Ray gripped Opal's head and poured in his pure magi straight into her skull.

'Ordinarily speaking if Opal wasn't a supernatural she would have died on the spot of a force magi surge straight to the brain.'

But in this case Ray had other things in mind as his magi went straight to her memories and plucked those of the events that transpired just before her haste to the door.