
It wasn't as hard as the book had stated, his magi simply flowed smoothly and took out anything that could have possibly lead his nanny remembering what she had saw. However doing this took a toll on his body and Ray fell quite harshly to the ground afterwards as Opal fell forward just a bit landing on her knees before she fully woke up.

Her eyes that had looked dead during the process finally retrieved their light back as she looked around and saw that Ray was behind her and was bleeding!?

"My prince!?" She yelped in horror as she scooped up the boy and headed to the bathroom quickly searching for a bandage as she healed Ray's wound partly by magi.

As a young demon the body is that of a human child until past the age of 5 and the reason why she didn't fully heal Ray's wound is because now with her memories recently erased she was following the initial mindset of 'a young demon exposed to any quality of magi directly into their body will cause deterioration of the muscles and or other organs'.

This time when Opal's magi flowed into Ray, Ray had blocked his foundation off in what was called a 'formation lock'. It was used in his passed life to go shopping undisturbed as it was pretty well-known that Ray was a loner.

Although in the spotlight he had been perceived as egotistical or even a narcissistic - that however wasn't at all how it was. Ray in fact was a depressed and tired man who could barely keep a relationship alive without his ADHD making his partner not feel appreciated. All he did in the spotlight was merely for show, nothing more.

The formation lock was of his own design that he never personally shared, it was the compression of magi around the circuitry veins and cores that would have anyone believing if they tried to see Ray's foundation, that he just hadn't opened any of it yet. The reason why he didn't do this before hand was simply because he just did not have enough magi stored. Even with very little magi in the body Ray's parents whether it was formation locked or not wouldn't think much of it as demons usually had a 'surpassing air' to them.

"My poor baby! My poor munchie"

'this has been happening for some time'

Ray as soon as he had woken up, was cuddled and smooched to death by his mother in what others on the sideline would call 'a loving embrace'. But to Ray, it was more a death sentence and an embarrassing turn of events as his head had been bandaged from the fall after his force extraction of Opal's memory.

"Nanny told me you took a nasty fall climbing your crib and trying to get out" she wooed in a babyish voice as her arms remained wrapped around Ray's small body. His red tinted eyes simply looked dead as Ray's mother for the next hour had him by her side the rest of that day.

By the end of the day though Ray was dead, face forward in his sheets within his crib, you could almost see the dark atmosphere of 'no energy' around him. His mother and the nanny simply took it as fatigue because of his injury. But in truth, it was the embarrassment and bullying his mother would do to him unaware that Ray 'her baby' was actually 27 years old in human years. But now that he thought about it, that still wouldn't amount to much in demon years, he'd still be a fledgling!

'I'm an adult dammit!'

= Night/early morning, Time: 3.56am =

Usually at this time Ray would be speeding up his core progression but he'd used a lot yesterday and he needed the rest however the rest wasn't the best. Ray's dream or rather nightmare consisted of the betrayal of his teammates on repeat and then his body in the dark void he'd hope he'd never see again.

= Morning, 10.37am, breakfast =

"My baby has healed up quite fast! Must be due to my love right dear?"


"Of course my love, he's as good as new" Ray's father responded as Ray sighed at their ability to act so carefree. "Ah that reminds me dear, we had contact with an otherworldly today" 'an otherworldly?' "It seems they wish to do more trade for our resources in magi crystals. There's a term Ray new all about,


[Magi crystals] 

- A class B in materials that were sold at auctions for the wealthy or given to hero's to boost their abilities on the spot.


He'd remember that Aron would take the team sometimes to a place called Residue that would make bargains for them.

To hear a familiar term used made Ray's stomach flop in an undesirable manner.

"But why now? If I remember correctly, they didn't want to receive trade from anything other than human" spat Martha, this was the fist time he'd seen his mother actually mad about something.

'What a scary thing to witness'.

"We will discuss this later dear, not in front of the children" softly spoke Ray's father in attempts to quench his wife's anger.

A scoff however had both parents turn in the direction of their 1st and 2nd oldest, "do you have something to add?" Spoke their father as Ray could clearly see the spike of irritation of having to deal with all this drama as of late.

"I do actually, why are we in dimensional trading with a bunch of murderers!" Exclaimed Rose as Macey too wondered the same thing and looked over at their father who sighed.

'Dimensional trading?'

"Rose, Macey, you two are the oldest of our kin but also still young in terms of the business that is conducted to provide this kingdom's safet-"

"No we are not! You don't think I don't see what's happening right now?! You're letting murderers and thieves take treasures from our lands as a trade of leaving our kingdom out of the cross fire of our neighbours. Rather than aiding them and fighting these lower life forms back where they belong! You hide tail and make empty promises, what if they attack us one day!? If it wasn't for us in the first place giving them teleportation devices, they wouldn't even be able to cross over!" Yelled Macey in Rose's defence and cutting off their father.

Ray who had been listening and watching was confused at this new turn of events, 'was there a war going on that I didn't know about? Who are these people that my father and mother are allowing theft and bargains to remain out of the crossfire?'