My First

Shiwoo pulled into the parking lot that I'm guessing must be his apartment complex and turned the car off.

He sighed no doubt out of anger and frustration

I had been quiet the whole ride with my head hanging low out of shame and guilt.

"Why Atalia? Why?" he finally asked trying to remain calm.

I kept quiet for I didn't have a good enough reason myself and that seemed to anger him even more.

He hit the steering wheel which caused me to flinch for I was very startled.

I wasn't afraid that he would hit me though because I knew he would never. I didnt want to be scolded either for I wasn't some kid.

"Your actions says otherwise" said my self conscious.

I didn't bother to argue because I knew that she was right.

He opened his car door and got out slamming it shut.

A few seconds later he opened my door and took me by the hand, "let's go."

He pulled me to the elevator before I could protest although I wasn't going to. I didn't feel like being at home alone right now.

We were both quiet as the the elevator went up to the pent house floor which I could tell it was by the button he pressed.

I knew he had money by the looks of his car but I didn't know he was this rich.

I've never seen him work a day in his life so how could he afford all of this? Surely illegal rapping doesn't pay this much.

Does it?

The elevator dinged and he stepped out first and I followed closely behind but still leaving some distance.

It was not a long walk for he was the only one of the floor seeing it was the pent house.

He turned the key in the door to open it and gestured for me to go in first and I shyly stepped in with my hands at my side for I have never been to a guy's house before.

He came in behind me and turned the lights on and I gasped at how pretty the furniture was.

I stared in awe at how clean and neat it was not what I was expecting his house to look this good.

There is more to this guy than I thought.

"Do you want something to drink?" he asked as he went towards the kitchen.

I nodded and went to sit around the island.

He slid a fruit juice towards me and I took it taking a sip.

He too took a sip of his juice and watched me as I took another sip, "you need to apologize."

For the first time since the incident I raised my head to look him in the eyes, "No." I said with such finality.

He shook his head at my answer obviously disagreeing, "what if she press charges?"

I shrugged, "then I'll get a lawyer."

"Aren't you studying to be a lawyer?" He asked still not dropping it.

"You're right." I said taking another sip not seeing where this is going. I surely couldn't represent myself if I were ever to get arrested.

He placed his drink on the island and placed both hands palm down and looked at me carefully with seriousness in his eyes, "exactly so think about how it will look on your record. Do you think any law firm will be happy to accept you if this happen?!"

"Okay so one I will open my own Law firm, two its not like I will be charged with murder or whatever. I was simply defending my self from a fight that I didn't start, and three why do you suddenly care about me and my future? Oh that's right you just care about her because for all we know she could be dying and you could be apart of the cause. Don't pretend to care about me and continue what you've been doing and worry about her." I snapped.

Why the sudden concern huh?

He doesn't give a damn about me, just worried that his lap dog might be seriously hurt.

"Wow!" he scoffed, "I'm the one that care not that Minjae guy. He didn't even try to help you, he just stood there watching in horror. All he wanted to do was to fuck you!" he yelled.

"And what about you then? I'm here at your apartment still feeling the after effects of the alcohol don't you want to fuck me?"

I got up and went around the island to where he was and traced my hands from chest to his and he held onto them restricting any more movements, "Atalia I-"

I cut him before he could have answered my question.

I only wanted to hear the word "yes" and by the tone of his voice it was not going to be it.

I looked up at him from beneath my lashes and pouted, "No do you? I'm being serious right now. I don't even care about my reputation anymore so I will ask you again. Do you want to fuck me or not?"

I looked down at me in the eyes and I could see him fighting a battle against his self control, "of course I do but not like this. I am trying to be a gentleman" he said as he let go of my hands and went to sat on the couch with his head in his hands.

"Why now?" I asked feeling frustrated as his denial.

I've never put myself out there likes this before. This is all new and embarrassing to me but I honestly didn't care right.

"You're drunk."

"I'm fine look" I said as I walked in a straight line with my arm outstretched towards him.

"You'll regret it."

He was playing too hard to get.

I straddled his lap and wrapped my hands around his neck, "I won't."

He raised his head to look me in the eyes and I saw his resolve break. I went in for a kiss and he closed his eyes as our lips connected.

I was really doing this