Full of Surprises

Our kiss started off slow with me being the only one who contributed but he soon after took control as he had lost his self control to the addicting feeling.

Our lips moved at a matching feral pace as he slid his hands up and down my thigh as I slowly grinded on him.

Moans and groans filled the air and we were both panting.

Heartbeat ecstatic and breathing shallow.

This felt so good I do not want to turn back now so I didn't.

Shiwoo took me by the waist and flipped us over on the couch as he placed kisses down my neck to the space between my chest.

My chest heaved up and down and I clenched my thighs loving the feeling.

He came back up from my clothed chest to plant kisses on my lips as I panted in delight and pleasure.

"Are you sure about this?" he asked once more as held my chin in his hands.

I nodded my head yes and allowed him to take my top off leaving me in my pants and bra.

He too slid off his shirt and I traced his 6 pack abs all the way down to his v-line. He was more built than I thought.

I pulled him down to the couch and straddled his lap once more and retied my hair.

He placed wet kisses down my jaw to my neck then to my chess as he went to unhook my bra.

The bra came undone and I through to someplace in the room as I felt him kiss me over my right nipple.

I shuddered and he smiled against my skin then went to suck on my left nipple while he fondle my right between his fingers.

It felt so good than not even words could explain.

I was sweating and panting.

I didn't even try to stifle my moans because I didn't care. I have no regrets.

He switched from my left nipple to my right and I placed my hand behind his gripping his hair for support.

He groaned slightly and flipped us over that he was now on top.

He looked me dead in the eye as he undid the button on my pants and I bit my lip as he slid open the zipper.

He came to stand over me and placed his forehead on mime as he slid his middle finger into my pants down my underwear.

I let out a loud moan as his finger circled my wet clit and my eyes rolled back.

"Hey look at me. Look me in the eyes as I please you." he said in a voice than alone can make me cum.

I did as he said and looked him dead in the eyes as he circled my clit faster, "good girl."

I moaned as panted as he continued to assault my pussy.

I was so wet and ready for him.

He slid a finger inside me when I least expected and I screamed out in pain and delight, "Ahh!-mmmm-yeah!"

He took it as an invite and slid another in.

I couldn't keep eye contact anymore and my head fell back to the couch as he pumped his fingers in then out at a steady and fast pace.

He used his free hand to grip my neck as he placed kisses all over my neck.

"Yeah baby-you like that? Huh you like that? You're so fucking tight and wet all for daddy" he said as he nibbled on my ear lobe.

I was in so much pleasure that I couldn't even mustered words so I just moaned and nodded my head as a response.

I felt close to my climax and he too must have noticed for he hooked both his fingers inside of me and went even faster, "ahh-mmm-I'm-I'm cumming!"

I screamed as I felt an unfamiliar knot in my stomach and I came un done sweating and panting.

I felt so high and happy. I was on cloud nine.

My first orgasm.

I looked at Shiwoo and saw him licking his fingers and I scrunched up my nose.

Where I'm from guys don't even do oral sex for their partners and girls are bashed for doing it so seeing him do it was weird.

"What? You taste sweet" he said as he placed his fingers into my mouth.

I did not. I tasted salty and fresh at the same time, "sweet? I don't anything."

"You taste sweet to me. In fact," he said as he got down on his knees and placed both my legs on his shoulders, "I wouldn't mind getting another taste."

"Wait Shiwoo. There is something I need to tell you," I decided to tell him the truth because I felt like I had to, "that was my first orgasm and I've never done anything like this before."

I felt embarrassed by my lack of experience but he didn't seem to care, "I know that you are in experienced and I will take care of you. Thank you for trusting me to be your first."

I smiled feeling safe and secure as his head dipped to place a kiss on my clothed my inner thigh.

He placed a kiss after another going higher each time teasing and tempting.

He placed his hands on the sides of my jeans and slowly pulled it down as waited in anticipation on what's to come.

He finally slid then off and I expected him to do the same for the panties but he lifted me off the couch and walked towards the direction that I'm guessing is his bed room.

I was right.

He opened the door to his bedroom and placed me on his bed of white silk sheets.

Thy felt so good against skin and I relaxed loving the feeling.

He went to close the door then turned to look at me sprawled in his bed.

I propped myself up on my elbow and opened my legs.

I bit my lip and licked his.

He quickly made his way on the bed and crawled between my legs the left a sweet kiss on my forehead.

I knew it was not love but I still felt warm and tingly inside.

He placed a kiss on my lips then another on my chin.

I closed my eyes enjoying the feeling as he made a trail of wet kisses all the way down to my navel then he stopped.

My eyes shot open at the sudden disappearance of his mouth and as I was about to ask if there was a problem but attacked my clit with his tongue before I could form any words.

"Mmmm-ahhhhh-just like that. You're so fucking good!" I screamed as his tongue moved expertly all over my throbbing clit.

He placed a finger in and I lost it.

I was unable to think straight and I felt soft and fluffy.

I didn't think this could have gotten any better but he keeps surprising me with his expert skills.

It didn't take long for me to cum all over his tongue and I did so screaming his name as he licked me clean.

I felt so tired that my legs flayed.

I don't think I can handle anything else.

I closed my eyes and I heard him say, "you didn't think I was done with you yet right?"

My eyes shot open and so did my legs instinctively awaiting his next magic trick that will no doubt require his magic wand.