This is real, isn’t it?

A stunned look filled Jacobs face as he stared at the floating blue and white text box. He moved his hand forward and it passed right through the screen, without disrupting the image. A stunned silence filled the bathroom, the same screen still floating in front of him.

"This is real, isn't it?"

"Yes Jacob, this is very real."

Sweat filled Jacobs brow as he heard the voice speak, if he wasn't crazy then that meant that he was talking to some sort of higher existence, some sort of God and he was chosen for some reason.

"So I am not crazy, and I have been chosen for some reason to be a lust emperor or whatever you said, and you are a creation of a god, am I right so far?"

There was a short pause before the system responded,

"Close enough human, for now all you need to do is read through your status and finish the setup procedure then we will start your mission."

Jacob wasn't sure what was going on for all he knew he was going to be institutionalized, but he wanted to believe it deep down he wanted to be chosen, he wanted to be special. That was the one thing Jacob always wanted to be special and he hoped this was his chance. So for the first time in a long time Jacob had hope and with that hope he read off of the floating screen.

The first words on the page were lust system but below that were many grayed out boxes with only two lit up, status and store. Deciding to try and select one Jacob clicked on status, and what appeared in front of him was a list of his attributes along with descriptions.

[Looks: 2 the blob fish of humans.]

[Charisma: 1 you couldn't chat up a rock.]

[Social status: 2 barely scraping by.]

[Seduction skills: 0 if you have never done something, you can't be good at it can you?]

[Knowledge: 4 You are a well read individual.]

[Manliness: 1 sub par for a school girl.]

[Communication: 1 The only conversations that you regularly have are with your imaginary friends.]

[Personal talent: 2 your shit at almost everything]

As Jacob read through the list he was appalled, this system was fucking mean, it was full of nothing but insults. Still though most of his complaints were stifled by how crazy this situation was, his very existence had just been broken down into video game stats, fucking video game stats, but befor he could continue his internal rant he was interrupted by the system.

["As a new user I am required to explain the basics to you but after that you are on your own. First of all these stats represent your very being and while most of them are rudimentary and don't need to be explained I think that personal talent needs an explanation, it directly equates to how good you are at picking up new things, such as sports or music. All the other stats don't really have any need for explanation, how to increase them is something you need to discern, sexual encounters and actions and seduction will earn you points for the shop. Quests are another thing to be worried about but they will give you an explanation. Now good luck out there and get hunting."]

With those last words the system went quiet, and Jacob went quite as well. At the bottom of the stats page there was a glowing 1, Jacobs clicked it and he heard the voice once again.

["Ahh I almost forgot, as a new host you get one stat point to spend at your discretion, now goodbye for real."]

Jacob went into another stunned silence and was stuck like that for almost a minute before he whole his head. There was no way a God created system could forget things, which meant that it purposely left out that information just to test to see if he would find it.

Even though Jacob was shocked by this whole situation he decided to put all the problems to the side so he could deal with the situation now. Jacob stared at the screen and wondered how important the attributes were, were they percents, how detect was there effect, was there a max? There was only one way to find out, and Jacob knew how, he had to spend that point and there was one stat Jacob wanted to improve since the second he saw it.

[Looks +1]

Jacob waited for a second and just as he was about to assume it didn't work, he felt pain all over his body. His face hurt the most, though it wasn't unbearable, it was like sticking your face in hot water. Jacob's vision went blurry and he got dizzy but he held it together, and after a minute of waiting he could see clearly again and what he saw shocked him.

The face in the mirror was his, it was undeniable, but it was just a bit different. His black hair was still messy and his eyes were still jet black but his nose which had always been a bit crooked had straightened out and his eyebrows were now less bushy and rested just right on his face, the acne that had plagued him since 7th grade was almost all gone alone with the scars. Jacob knew he was still ugly his eyebrows were still not perfect, his nose was still a bit off, he still had some acne scars but he was definitely better, he was almost average in looks.

Jacob now knew this was very real, he wasn't dreaming and most importantly this was his chance. Though he had never wanted to admit it, Jacob had always wanted a girl, hell he wanted a harem, he was an envious bastard, he wished he were in those cultivation webnovels where the main character got a whole bunch of magic powers and became a girl magnet. Jacob had just always hid his desires deep so that he wouldn't stand out, he never wanted to admit it but he was afraid to stand out because he was pathetic, he knew he would be picked on so he hid, hid his personality and any thing that wasn't average, Jacob was a coward and he lied to himself to make it sting less.

Jacob knew it deep down, he knew that this was his one chance, he would stand out now or he would fail trying, and with that thought in mind, he quickly got in the shower so he could return to his room. As Jacob stripped off his clothes he looked down at his body, pale skin accompanied by a lack of any sort of muscles definitely made him disappointed. As he took off his boxers he let out a sad sigh, how was he going to seduce women when he only had a 5 inch dick.

Jacob, after letting out a defeated sigh, quickly showered and dressed to return to his room. Looking out into the hallway he saw no one so he quickly made his way to his room and shut the door. Flopping face down on his bed, Jacob closed his eyes and felt overwhelmed as the day's crazy events thundered around in his head.

God maybe gods, some sort of sex system, and the changes to his face. It was unbelievable, yet Jacob was happy though it may seem ridiculous he was happy to be different, happy to stand out and that happiness lasted until the screen appeared again with a pop up, which read,

[!You have been issued a quest!]

For some reason Jacob felt a bad premonition as he opened the system and saw a new tab labeled quests next to shop and status. Quickly clicking on it, Jacob was greeted with a box that said the following.

[!First quest!]

[Amateur seducer]

[/ask out 10 girls/]

[Time limit: 1 week]

[Reward: +1 inch in both height and penis length and a random stat point!]

[Penalty if uncompleted: -6 inches where it counts!!]

Jacob felt a cold sweat form on his back as he read through the screen, he was planning on slowly working his way up to talking and flirting with girls, he wasn't ready to take a head first dive like the system was ordering him to do. It was a high stakes situation. He needed a penis to do what the system seemed to want him to do and he loved that the system wouldn't hesitate to pick a new host if he failed, the system was what made him special and not the other way around at least Jacob thought so. Though he knew he wasn't ready to flirt with girls Jacob also knew he didn't have a choice, so he did the only thing he could do right now, plan for the future.

Jacob had planned on going to the bank to open that age locked bank account and then taking a flight straight to New York, but now that plan needed to change. Jacob noticed a loophole in the quest, it only said ask out, it didn't say whether they had to say yes or not. With that in mind Jacob planned to go to the mall and try to get this quest done as soon as possible since he was no longer allowed to stay at the orphanage, but since it was a wednesday he knew from experience that they wouldn't act on the eviction till Friday, so he had 2 days before he had to find another place to stay.

Jacob figured that though it may be embarrassing to hit on 10 random girls, it was better to do it now in Chicago than in New York since he planned to never set foot in this god forsaken city again. With complicated plans filling his head, Jacob drifted off into a dreamless sleep.