Achieving achievements

A bright light poured into a small room located on the third floor of an old brick building, and that bright light woke the sole occupant of the room. That occupant was black haired man, well barley a man, who now was cursing because he had slept past his alarm.

"Open hud"

Jacobs' tired voice rang out through the room and in front of him appeared that same floating blue and white screen. Jacob was making sure he hadn't dreamed it all up, the system, facial changes, and a penis endangering quest.

"I have a lot of shit to do today," Jacob thought out loud.

Jacobs quickly put on his best pants and shirt, to qualify for that position they just had to be not ripped or stained, and then he put on his old raggedy shoes, which barely functioned in their current state. He was first going to go to the bank, he figured that was essential. The money he would receive from that account would tie him over for a long time, most importantly it would give him the cash needed to accomplish the new task in front of him, seducing girls, or at least he thought it would help.

Jacobs original plan was to leave Chicago today after going to the bank, Now though Jacob realized a bigger problem he was starving probably because he forgot dinner last night in his exitement at being picked as a host of some sort of sex system. Now he really had to hurry to the bank so he could get money for breakfast, but first he wanted to investigate the one tab he hadn't selected yet in the system.

Opening the system Jacob was greeted by the same screen, but barely looked at it before clicking on the store tab.


[L points: 0]

[One time purchasable items: 0]

[Mystery boxes/ common = 100 L points]

[Mystery boxes/ uncommon= 1000 L points]

Jacob stared at the screen for a while trying to make sense of it, deciding to see if he could get extra information he clicked on L points and sure enough a description came up.

[!L points or Lust points are a reward given for sexual and achievements, they can be spent on rewards and Items to power you up or give you an advantage!]

Jacob looked at the text that appeared and smiled, at least it was pretty easy to understand, all he had to do was follow the quest and do some sex stuff and he would receive rewards, wasn't that every teenagers dream to be rewarded for sex? He currently didn't have any points but something inside him told him that he would be able to earn some soon.

After getting dressed and looking at the system Jacob grabbed his driver's license and went out the door. He quickly made his way down the stairs and out the front door as quickly and Whitley as possible he didn't really want to see or meet any of the people in the orphanage, he didn't have any fond memories of the people who were stuck there with him, and currently he wasn't looking to make any. After exiting the orphanage he quickly made his way to the bus stop, he didn't have the money as of yet to afford a cab. Arriving at the bus stop he was surprised to find a small group of four or five people already waiting, it was wired to see so many people here so early in the morning, looking down at his old worn out phone, an Iphone 4 which looked like it had been through Vietnam, though to be honest it was so old it might have actually seen an armed conflict or two, Jacob made the mental note to buy a new phone after his trip to the bank.

Jacob shook his head; he just had too much to do, and the system wasn't helping, but anyway his phone read 12:09. Jacob cursed aloud when he saw the time he had slept way past his alarm which he had set to 8:30, since the bank opened at 10:00, he was so distracted with making plans for the day that he hadn't even bothered to check the time till now. It was just going to be a bad day and Jacob knew it. What pulled him out of his anger was the bus rolling up in front of the stop, and he let out another sigh when he saw how packed it was, the door opened and he climbed inside behind the group of people.

After climbing inside Jacob quickly paid the driver his quarter and made his way down the aisle looking for a seat. Jacob was greeted with a packed aisle and not an open seat in sight. At this point he just gave up and stood in the center, holding on to the pole.

He had been waiting for about 7 minutes and Jacob knew his stop was very close when he felt the bus jolt forward, he had only been leaning on the pole so he fell forward with the bus and ran into the person in front of him. Luckily he caught himself before he hit the ground but the only issue was what he caught himself on. He could feel two huge meaty blobs that he had grasped in his hands jiggle and he heard a loud shriek. Jacob knew he was fucked when he looked up and stared into the face of a flushed blonde woman dressed in a secretarial uniform, who was glaring down at him, as he accidentally fondled her boobs.

"What the fuck are you doing you creep, let go of me!!"

"I—m sorry it wa-as an accident."

Jacob blushed and stuttered his reply back, though he had some sort of sex system and though he wanted to hit on girls he was always onward with the opposite sex, due to his lack of engagement with them so he was definitly embarased by the situation.

"Don't lie to me weirdo, you definitely did that on purpose, now fucking let go of me or I'll call the police!!"

Jacob relished that in his hurry to respond he had forgotten to move his hands so with the quickest movement he had ever done Jacob righted himself fans fled towards his the front of the bus and out the door, he was still not at his stop but he would rather walk than deal with the angered woman. On his way out of the bus he could feel her eyes burrowing into his back, giving him a glare that could kill.

Once outside the bus Jacob sighed in relief when not long after it pulled away. Jacob felt ashamed not in the situation but in himself, how was he supposed to turn his life around with his system when he was too afraid and socially inept to deal with an angry woman. He would have continued to be upset if a notification from the system hadn't appeared before his eyes.

[!achievement earned!]

[public transport mishap]

[accidently molest a woman while riding public transportation.]

[reward 100 L points]

The frown that had been on Jacobs face turned into a small grin, the embarrassment had been worth it, he had gained points so easily. He thought about getting on another bus and doing it again until he saw another message pop up.

[achievements are not repeatable]

The smile that had just appeared on Jacobs face went back to a frown, this was going to be harder than he thought. Shaking his head and sighing, Jacob made his way to the bank on foot.