An old friend

The walk to the bank took another 10 minutes, and by the time he arrived Jacob was a little bit out of breath, so Jacob made a dedication to himself that he would start working out after reaching New York. If he didn't have any muscle, how was he going to seduce girls and make the harem he used to envy in webnovels. While he was thinking out the Lust system he hoped he could up his speech skills so he didn't struggle so much in social situations. He was drawn out of his fantasy's of the future when he spotted the entrance to the bank with the words, chase written in big letters above the door.

Normally retrieving a locked bank account like this would be on the more difficult side of banking, but Jacob had an advantage, he knew his parents financial advisor. They had only met a few times, mostly while Jacob was younger, but knowing an employee would definitely expedite Jacob receiving the money. As he walked up the steps and pushed the door open he the door he was greeted with an overly decorated interior, there were almost thirty tellers open and many more occupied, Jacob hadn't been in here in for a few years so he had to ask directions to find the man he was looking for, Mark ricci.

Jacob saw a nearby security officer so he made his way towards him to ask for directions. As he approached the security officer and waved his hand, the officer noticed him and gave him a once over with his eyes and seemed to reluctantly acknowledge him.

"Hello sir, can you point me in the direction of Mark Ricci's office?"

In response to Jacob's question all he received was a finger pointing towards the right side of the building. Jacob was reluctant to continue the awkward conversation so he simply gave his thanks and left.

Jacob knew that if he was dressed in a suit and tie the security guard would have gladly shown him the way, but with the rags he was wearing it was hard to be acknowledged as a client worth someone's time, and if he couldn't be recognized as a client how was he going to attract the opposite sex? After this bank visit he was going for breakfast and then a quick trip for new clothes.

While Jacob was going through his shopping trip in his head, he had already crossed over to the right side of the bank, it was divided into a series of hallways and cubicles. The grey walls and marble floor gave it the "I'm rich and all business vibe." Each cubicle had a name tag, so Jacob simply walked until he saw the right name tag, in front of one of the larger cubicles, a room of its own was the tag reading, Mark Ricci. Jacob saw that the door was open, so he looked into the room to see if Mark was inside. A large man was absorbed into a folder, he had grey hair that matched the walls, resting atop his sharp and defined face, with a long sharp nose he had the look of a CEO dressed in a fine black suit.

Jacob knocked his hand against the open door, which resulted in three loud crisp taps. Mark, who had been leaning over the folder on his desk, quickly raised his head and looked towards the door, and his gaze landed upon Jacob. His frown turned into a smirk when he saw Jacob and he quickly stood up from his chair.

"Jacob my boy, come here and greet this old man!"

Mark had a thick Italian accent, his name was actually Marco, and though after his parents death Jacob had only seen him a handful of times Marco was always warm with him, he was actually the person who gave Jacob his fathers travel bag since that had been lost after his parents deaths. Jacob didn't remember much about his parents, but one thing he did remember was Marco coming by his house quite frequently. Jacob had an Italian family or at least he thought so based on his last name, since he had no other relatives he couldn't be sure, though he did always look a little Mediterranean it was just always buried under his ugly face, but currently this was all beside the point, the reason he was drawn into thoughts of his parents was because Mark was a old friend of theirs.

Jacob while still in thought walked towards Mark for a hand shake, which was returned with gusto.

"It's good to see you again, how have you been doing?" Jacob said with a smile.

"I'm doing just as well as always, what I want to know is how you're doing Jacob, it's been almost three years since I have seen you."

Jacob couldn't help but smile, Mark was one of the only people he had ever had a good relationship with. Jacob was sure that if mark wasn't always so busy with work he probably would've taken him in.

"Not much I can say about my life, it's been school, school, school, Speaking of which, I just graduated."

"That's good to hear Jacob, I always knew you had it in you, so what do I owe this visit to?"

Jacob had at this point taken a seat on the other side of the desk, and Mark sat down in his chair across from Jacob, and right after Mark sat he went back into their conversation.

"Well as you know my parents left me a sum of money in their inheritance, and I couldn't get it till I turned 18, which happened to be yesterday. I was hoping that you could help me out this one last time since I'm going to New York for college."

Mark's smile grew as he listened to Jacob talk, he quickly gave Jacob an answer.

"There is no need to ask, I will obviously do anything to help make the process fast and efficient, oh and Jacob would you mind telling me what you are going to college for?"

Mark didn't seem very surprised that Jacob was moving away for college, though if you understood how Jacobs life had been you would have chosen to move away as well.

"I am actually attending for a business and management degree."

Jacob answered back with a small grin on his face, he was definitely proud of his good grades, it was the only thing he had before he received the lust system. Mark's grin turned into a large smile when he heard what Jacob was going to school for, and he came through with a surprising offer.

"A great choice Jacob, you know, I feel like I could use someone that I know in New York, how about this, I will pay for your college, and while your there I will give you a call when I need some help, so what college are you going to?"

Jacob was shocked, though he knew Mark rather well, he wasn't close enough to him to receive this kind of treatment. Jacob knew there was something fishy about this offer, but he trusted Mark and knew that he probably had his best interest in mind.

"That would be great, but can you tell me what I'll be helping you with?

Mark's smile didn't change as he quickly gave Jacob his answer.

"I am not sure myself, you'll find out when I call."

Jacob could only shrug in response he figured that whatever it was, it would be worth having college paid for, he could use his money for other things, for instance picking up girls. After Jacob and Mark finished their conversation, he was able to quickly activate an account, for which he received a debit card. Mark was going to call Jacobs college and work out the payment. With a smile on his face, and a debit card in his pocket, it was time to go shopping.