Plane talk

A man who wore jeans too short for his legs, and had a huge brown stain located on his shirt, stumbled through the Chicago wood field mall. Jacob was in the process of learning how to walk with his new inch of height as he made his way to the nearest store that carried men's clothing.

Stumbling into an Old Navy he made his way to the men's clothing section under the glares of the other customers, he looked pretty raggedy, wearing a very stained grey tee shirt, which was already old and ripped before the coffee, alone with a pair of jeans too small for him Jacob figured he was not the most fashionable person in the store.

By the time he made it to the store he was adjusted to his new height, but he felt that it would take a bit longer to get it mastered. Arriving at the men's clothing section Jacob quickly selected what he assumed to be his new jean size, and some relatively fashionable white tee shirts. Jacob didn't even bother to try on the clothes and just grabbed four white tee shirts and jeans and went to the front of the store for checkout. As he went through the checkout line he felt the eyes of the cashier borrowing onto the back of his neck, Jacob guessed that she thought he was a thief, but at this point that couldn't really bother him after the embarrassment he went through with that first quest.

After exiting the store Jacob quickly made his way to the bathroom so he could change out of his ruined clothes. As he sled the new clothes on after removing the tags he felt a sort of relief, he finally had the money to survive gone were the days of hungry nights and busted out shoes and jeans, now he was going to live the highlife. With a new found smile on his face and a better outlook on life Jacob left the bathroom, leaving his old clothes behind and went on his first ever shopping spree.

Jacob exited the mall with bag laden hands, in his spindrift mood Jacob had first filled his stomach at the food court then quickly made his way to a shoe store, picking out a few new pairs of tennis shoes and a pair of flip flops. He had also hit up more clothing stores for necessities like boxers and socks, but the most important item he bought was a new smartphone. The prices which would have been way out of his price range in the past were now manageable and he acquired the newest model. For most, setting up a new Iphone would be on the more time consuming side of things but for Jacob who only had a handful of contacts including Mark and his new landlord in New York, it was a piece of cake.

Jacob felt that it was in his best interest to take the bus back to the orphanage instead of walking so that he could book his flight on the way back.

Waiting at the bus stop Jacob was quickly Able to board and take a seat, it was pushing towards 7:00 and there was barely anyone on the bus. Jacob planned to take a direct flight from Chicago to New York, and he hoped to get on that flight tonight. Looking for available flights there was a delta flight at 9:30 that was a straight shot, the only issue was the lack of seats, the only seats available were first class. Jacob had some money now but at the same time he didn't want to blow it all, but one flight shouldn't empty his wallet. As Jacob bought his ticket he wondered what being on a plane was like, it would be a new experience for him and he couldn't help but look forward to it.

Arriving at the orphanage he rushed up stairs to his room packing his new clothes into his suitcase and all his other essential belongings, not that he owned much to Begin with. Jacob finished packing and put on some of the cologne he purchased while he was shopping, he didn't have the time for a shower, he rushed with his suitcase in hand down the stairs and out the door, he had a huge smile that went from ear to ear when he thought he would never have to return to this damn place. Jacob easily hailed a taxi and was able to quickly negotiate a ride to the airport, so he managed to step out of the cab at 8:10 on the dot. As he entered the building he simply rushed through everything he could.

Jacob wasn't sure what was normal for airport security but he felt that they were on the ruder side of the scale. He was searched, frisked and delayed but he still made it through inspection with thirty minutes to spare. Carrying his sleek black suitcase up the stairs to the plane Jacob was a little lost on what to do next, all Jacob was sure of was that he boarded the plane with the wrong boarding wave, he was third priority based on his seat and he boarded with sixth priority. At this point Jacob figured it was best just to ask a flight attendant for directions, which turned out to be easier than he thought since he found one instantly. Though he tried to be polite she came off to him as a rather rude person, though Jacob figured it had something to do with his charisma, she took him to his heat, which was a private cabin in the front, well private wasn't the right word it was a shared cabin, him and a empty seat. The person had left their stuff in the cabin and were currently gone, not that it bothered Jacob he figured they were just in the bathroom.

Jacob was currently trying to text his new landlord in New York and inform him he would be arriving very soon. His landlord owned a lot of property and he figured he wouldn't be too worried about Jacob arriving relatively unannounced. As Jacob finished his text message he heard the click of the cabin door opening. Looking up from his phone Jacob was shocked to see a bombshell beauty enter the cabin, a tall brunette with a height resting at about 5' 10" with beautiful olive skin. She had a set of boobs that seemed to be two big for the black dress she was wearing and her backside was also on the large side, she seemed to be in her early twenties and definitely fit the description of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

Jacob didn't want to admit it but he was always weak to foreign beauty's, and he couldn't help but stare at this girl but he stopped when he saw the look she gave him, if looks could kill he would be dead. Something about her made it hard for him to ignore her. Aside from her beauty there was this taste of danger that he couldn't get out of his mouth. She took her seat and Jacob averted his gaze, it stayed like this till he felt the plain leave the ground. The turbulence made him go pale and he shook a bit in his seat. Jacob wasn't sure if this shaking was normal for flying but it still scared him stiff.

Jacob was shocked to hear a laugh from in front of him and he looked up to see the Mediterranean beauty laughing at him. Jacob was still shook up so he went out of character and asked her a question.

"Excuse me Miss, but is this normal for flying, I have never been on a flight before and this shaking is nerve racking?"

His question came out a little messy but Jacob felt he got the point across and to his surprise the beauty seemed to take some enjoyment from the fear on his face and gave him a clear answer.

"This is quite normal for a flight and will end shortly, no need to be afraid of a little turbulence like this."

Jacob was relieved and happy for two reasons, one, he wasn't going to die and the plane was fine but also because he had managed to break the ice or at least cracked it between him and his traveling companion. Jacob did another thing out of character and continued the conversation, he felt emboldened by the first response.

"That is relieving to hear, Since we are stuck in here for the next two and a half hours why don't we atleast get acquainted?"

Jacob passed the question with tensed up nerves; it was his first real attempt at conversation with a beauty. Much to his chagrin he received a positive response,

"Yes I also feel it would be best if we atleast introduced ourselves to make the room a little less tense, my name is daphne, would you mind telling me what you go by?"

Her way of talking was elegant and her light accent only added on to her charm, Jacob couldn't help but respond a little too fast.

"My name is Jacob Romano, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance daphne."

Jacob knew that he had rushed his introduction too much and was ready for Daphne to get put off, but he was surprised to hear her chuckle once again.

"No need to be so formal Jacob, we are all friends here, right?"

"Of course I'm just a little tense because of the turbulence, don't mind me."

Jacob tried to appear laid back but internally he was panicking, and he stayed like that throughout the rest of the flight up to landing.