Hello New York

Jacob felt the plane touchdown on the runway, or at least he hoped it was the runway. He had talked to Daphne for the first few minutes but in the end Jacobs lack of charisma and looks led to the conversation petering off. Jacob felt that it was in his best interest to leave the plane as fast as possible and leave her with as good of a first impression as possible, he didn't even get a phone number but Jacob had a gut feeling he would meet her again.

First class was allowed to disembark first so with a quick final goodbye, Jacob grabbed his jet black suitcase and exited the plane, he felt that it had gained weight on the flight, but then again the stress of that interaction and his first flight experience definitely made him feel weak. Jacob made his way off the tarmac and into the airport, he felt a sense of wonder. It was the first time in a city other than Chicago and it felt surreal. Walking out of the airport Jacob was planning on getting a taxi when a system message took him by surprise.

[!Rare achievement earned!]

[befriend a dangerous beauty]

[Accidentally befriend a dangerous women who happens to be a stunning beauty]

[reward: charisma +1]

[Bonus reward receive your first rare achievement: seduction skills +1]

Jacob froze his place, not only was this revealing because he didn't know there were multiple rarity's of achievements, but it also made him wonder what made Daphne have a classification of dangerous. For now though any concerns he would have had were forgotten because of the joy he felt at gaining attributes. Unlike a stat in looks there was no burning sensation or derive change but deep down he could feel it, he felt more comfortable in the airport, Jacob felt that he was more open to communication, and with that he gained more confidence.

Nothing could take the smile off Jacobs face as he climbed into a taxi and gave him the street and address of his new flat. Jacob did have a roommate but he was only sharing the kitchen and the living room, he had a bathroom and bedroom to himself. It took a little over 30 minutes for Jacobs to make it to his place, the stat gains had put him in such a good mood that he ended up tipping the taxi driver extra. The building he was living in now was so tall it teeters on the edge of being called a skyscraper, it had 22 floors of black glass with a wide footprint. The rent on his apartment wasn't cheap, clocking in at almost 3,000 dollars a month, which was cheap for what he got. His roommate apparently had a hard time finding a renting partner so he paid over his half so he could rent the space out. Jacob wasn't too worried about his new roommate; he was sure they could come to an understanding.

Jacob walked through the front doors of the building and was greeted with an extravagant lobby, pristine black marble floors and red carpets made up the ground floor and it appeared that there was even a food court, and gym for residents on the ground floor. Jacob made his way to the front desk which was being manned by a middle aged man dressed in a dark suit and tie. Upon seeing Jacob approach the clerk looked up from the newspaper he was reading in annoyance, at this point in time it was already well into the night, and the lobby was abandoned. It was one in the morning and Jacob was exhausted, his lack of sleep on the plane ride only contributed to his exhaustion. The front desk clerk stayed polite and simply gave Jacob his key without hassle even though it was the middle of the night, though at this point it was the morning, on paper at least. Making his way to the elevator Jacob clicked on his floor number, floor 21, one floor from the penthouse.

It took almost a full minute to ride up all 20 floors, during his ride Jacob noticed that the elevator had bottoms for two floors beneath the ground floor making this a 24 floor building. With a crisp ding the doors opened revealing a wide hallway. The floor of the hallway was lined with white marble floors, which contrasted the ground floors black ones, the hallway was uncarpeted and only had eight doors. Jacob and his roommate would both share a door and this was included for all the other eight doors which meant Jacob shared this floor with fifteen other people. As the building got taller it thinned out so the top floors had very few occupants. Making his way to the door on the end Jacob put the key in and turned it, and his new home was revealed to him. The first room behind the door was the living room which was huge in comparison to what Jacob was suspecting, a large black leather sofa was the centerpiece of the room along with a huge 90" tv.

Jacob was impressed by how clean the interior was, otherwise the living room was empty, though Jacob noticed a set of large weights, 50 pounds each sitting next to the couch on a yoga mat. Walking through the living room Jacob saw a large doorway, one led to a large open kitchen. A large steel topped counter maybe 12 feet across, a large fridge and sink also occupied the room. The rest of the kitchen was split off into a dining room with a set of a table and chairs which appeared to be made of oak. Jacob would have normally been fine with exploring his new house but he was already exhausted so he quickly made his way to his room, he could tell it was his based on the fact it didn't have a pile of workout equipment next to it like the door on the other side. Opening his door he was greeted with a well kept interior, a large king sized bed and a simple desk were all that was in his room though there was a dresser stack in the corner. The bed was up against the right wall while the desk sat against the wall across from the door, though it wasn't right to call it a wall when it was a floor to ceiling window. Jacob could see a door that led to a bathroom or at least what he assumed to be his bathroom because Jacob was too tired to look. Making his way to the king sized bed with a clean and simple white sheet set, Jacob simply stripped off his street clothes and went down to his boxers, without even freshening up or unpacking he climbed into the bed and under his new blanket, a large smile covered his face, and just like that sleep soon found him.