Plans are not perfect

Jacob laid back and relaxed for a few minutes just to celebrate getting through the first part, Jacob knew he still had a hurdle to leap over but his interaction with Daphne would include the stat boosts, and hopefully that would get him through it. Jacob only sat for another minute before he bit the bullet so he wouldn't literally bite it and stood up to prepare for Daphne's visit. Jacob walked out of his room and looked around the apartment, it was the same as it had been last night and Jacob was relieved for that.

Jacob walked towards his roommates door and knocked, and after waiting a minute knocked again. Jacob heard no movement from the room and felt relief fill him, Jacob had to make sure his roommate wasn't here. Today was not going to be a good day for unexpected company. Opening the door enough so he could look in, Jacob was relieved to see the bed empty, and the lights off. Jacob closed the door and made his way back to the living room so Jacob could chuck out the layout of the apartment, now that he was exhausted he figured he would see more. Jacob walked around the apartment but was taken aback by what he saw, nothing. Jacob had expected to see some possessions of his roommate or extras, but it seemed that the apartment was low on furniture, hell it barely had anything outside of the basics.

Jacob would have been more perplexed if he wasn't so worried about meeting Daphne. Jacob wasn't dense enough to believe that she wasn't planning on killing him, he would have to be a moron to believe she was just going to peacefully solve this. Jacob was sure he had a chance though, he had to at least hope for one. Jacob put on a bit of cologne and sat on the couch and waited, at this point that's all he could think to do.

Jacob looked at the clock on his phone as the time ticked by, and ticked by, and ticked by. Jacob tapped his foot on the floor and waited some more and when he looked at the clock over 50 minutes had passed, Jacob knew that Daphne had agreed to meet him an hour from when they last talked, which would be in 2 minutes. Getting up from his seat, Jacob went to the bathroom to relieve his nervous bladder. He was so tense that he felt like he might die even before the meeting.

Jacob returned from the bathroom and on the way purposely left his door open, he even went out of his way to make sure every light was on in the apartment. He wanted his guest to be as relaxed and calm as possible, so he could avoid being shot in the face. Jacob took out the three stat boosters and held them in his hand, he didn't have to wait long.


Jacob heard three Loud knocks sounding out from the door, and he knew Daphne had arrived. Grabbing the three slips of gold paper, he ripped them In half and quickly opened his stat page and spread the temporary stats.

[Looks: 3 you are the reason one direction is still moving in the same direction.]

[Charisma: 2+1 you could chat up a rock.]

[Social status: 2 barely scraping by.]

[Seduction skills: 2+1 frogs are easily seduced by your skills.]

[Knowledge: 4 You are a well read individual.]

[Manliness: 1 sub par for a school girl.]

[Communication: 1+1 The only conversations that you regularly have are with your imaginary friends.]

[Personal talent: 2 your shit at almost everything]

As Jacob distributed the stats he felt a feeling of elation fill his body, and a slight glow appeared and then disappeared off his skin. Jacob didn't have time to bask in the Sensation Because he heard another loud knock at the door. Making his way to the door Jacob tried to tidy up his clothes the best he could, he still hadn't gotten a change, since his suitcase was god knows where. With a click Jacob opened the door and was greeted with the sight of an olive skinned beauty. Daphne came dressed in a simple pair of jeans and a black jacket with an open collar, it showed the top of her slightly olive breasts peeking out of what appeared to be a red bra. She had a pair of large diamond earrings that adorned her perfectly symmetrical face, she had long black hair that was combed straight back and parted to the side and stunning red lips. Daphne was a looker through and through, it would be hard to find someone more beautiful. Sadly all of her beauty and style was offset by the fact that she had a large frown adorning her face.

"Took you long enough."

Daphne walked past Jacob through the apartment door and looked around with a condescending smile.

"What a shit hole."

When Daphne entered his apartment Jacob noticed she had a suitcase in tow, and it wasn't just any suitcase, it was Jacobs suitcase. Seeing his suitcase Jacob felt immense joy and relief flooded his body, if she was planning on killing him now it would be strange for her to bring him his clothes, her having brought it gave home an even better chance of survival.

"I'm sorry about the state of the place Daphne, I arrived here last night so I haven't gotten a chance to clean it up."

Hearing here comment about the apartment didn't really bother Jacob, she could say whatever the fuck she wanted as long as she didn't kill him.

"It doesn't matter anyway, let's cut to the chase. My time is precious and I have important things to ask you, show me where my suitcase is."

Her frown which hadn't dissipated since her article turned neutral as she gave Jacob a pointed look.

"Sorry for the delay, I have your suitcase right in my room, I'll just go grab it for you…"

Jacob couldn't finish his sentence though because Daphne quickly interjected.

"No, I would like to keep you in my sight for now. Why don't we just go get it together?"

It sounded like a question, but Jacob knew it was an order, an order he knew he had to follow.

"Whatever you want it's just this way, please ignore the mess."

Jacob tried to act as calm as possible as he made his way to his room, he just hoped he could keep Daphne calm for the rest of their interaction. Reaching his room and opening the door Jacob quickly stepped in so Daphne could also enter. Jacob was worried about offending her so he quickly pulled the chair out from his desk so she could sit, and he grabbed her suit case and sat it next to her chair.

"You seem tense, what's wrong, it's just a suitcase, there's no need to be upset."

Jacob heard Daphne chuckle as she made her way to the chair and took her seat

"I'm fine I promise you, it's just a bit stuffy in here."

Jacob quickly responded back, he wasn't sure what to think of the situation, but he knew one thing for sure this wasn't quite going to plan. As Jacob sweated on the inside Daphne's hand reached out and grabbed the suitcase sitting next to her. With it now resting on her legs she unzipped it and moved the white sheet all under the surprised gaze of Jacob. He didn't expect her to be so brazen and unconcerned with the contents of the bag.

In front of him were now the same illegal goods that got him into this mess, that one almost fatal mistake. His train of thought was broken by Daphnes who suddenly started talking.

"I'm not dumb enough to think that you don't know what is in this suitcase or for that matter what it represents. At first I thought I had been had, your performance on the plane put me in a good mood and you robbed me when I had my guard down, but now I believe it may have been an accident…"

"Exactly it's just a misunderstanding believe me, I am…"

Jacob tried to explain himself better, but before he got the chance Daphne interjected.

"Let me finish then you may talk, now as I was saying, I know that you may have accidentally taken the suitcase but you still saw what was inside, I planned on silencing you up till just before I arrived here. Luckily for you I received an offer from an associate of mine, he told me that he had a friend who moved to New York and could be called in for some work for him, he said that this said person would be just arriving in town, maybe yesterday, ring any bells… Jacob?"

Jacob was shocked, shocked to his very core, he wasn't dumb enough to miss the glaring truth, Mark had called Daphne to talk about the work he promised to do for him. Mark had to be a pretty serious criminal to have connections to Daphne or atleast Jacob thought so. Jacob was brought out of his quandary by Daphne continuing on with her monologue.

"So Jacob Romano, are you willing to make good on your word?"

As she said that aloud she pulled out a long silver pistol with a black suppressor on the end and pointed it at Jacobs chest, it was a Walther ppk.