A class?

Jacob froze on the spot when he saw the gun and a cold sweat formed on his brow, none of this was going to plan. Jacob never thought at any other point in his life that at some point he would be held at gunpoint to answer a question, it was nerve racking. Jacob knew though that there was only one answer to Daphne's question, the gun was almost a formality at this point.

"Of course, I'm a man of my word after all, how could I refuse to do a little work?"

"Perfect, that was just what I was looking for here, but since we're such good friends, why don't I just buy your debt from Mark, you're fine with that… right?

"Of course, do whatever you want. I'll follow your lead since I'm sure you know best."

Jacob didn't really want to see Daphne ever again let alone work for her but he didn't really have a choice; there was a pistol four inches from his chest after all.

Hearing what Jacob had said Daphne let a devilish grin adorne her beautiful face.

"I am so happy we are seeing eye to eye, in a few days one of my goons is going to come and introduce you into the family, till then you should work on your figure, skinny boys won't do well in our organization, from now on you are a Marino."

With that last sentence Daphne stood up and closed her briefcase and gave him a final glare before briskly making her way out. As Daphne left Jacobs room he could feel a huge relief flood his body, and like a puppet whose strings were cut he collapsed onto his bed. Jacob had been caught off guard by the sudden turn of events that he hadn't accounted for, recruitment definitely being the one he didn't suspect. Now in hindsight he wasn't really surprised, the easiest way to stop someone from snitching is to get them involved in the crime. Jacob felt a sense of reservation fill him alone with helplessness over the situation, it didn't feel good to have no say especially when Jacob had been hoping that this would be a fresh start here in New York. Jacob was pulled out of his slump by a familiar ding sounding out in his head.

[achievement earned]

[A step towards death]

[Gain a occupation with a high risk of death]

[Reward: 1000 L points]

Jacob was about to settle back down when he heard that familiar ding once again.

[!Epic achievement earned!]

[Career criminal]

[Join a large crime family or cartel]

[Reward: class menu unlocked/ class selected: Mafia]

[Bonus reward earned receive your first epic achievement: Selected stat receives +3]

Jacob eyes went wide with shock, fucking classes? Jacob hadn't played many games growing up but he knew the basics, his system was a Goddamn game menu. Jacob knew one thing though, he knew exactly what he wanted those stat points in, Looks. He knew it wasn't the most tactical choice but at this point he didn't care, his whole life Jacob had cursed his bad genes and now was his chance to improve. Opening his stats page he quickly selected looks and without further deliberation added the points.

[looks +3]

Jacob could feel a sharp burning sensation cover his whole head, it felt like he had stuck his head in boiling water, it hurt worse than last time and lasted longer than before. Jacob moaned in pain and stumbled to the bathroom, he quickly splashed water on his face to ease the burn and it still hurt but at this point it was subsiding. Jacob's vision which had been blurry up till this point cleared and he took the opportunity to look in the mirror. What Jacobs saw staring back at him was a very different face, sure it had the same base but it was an almost complete makeover, his once weak features now we're coming into the limelight. A strong jawline and chin were some of the main differences, along with a perfect nose and now straighter and whiter teeth Jacob was quite good looking. He wouldn't turn heads when walking down the street but he would definitely receive better treatment wherever he went, that was just how humans were, totally and completely shallow.

Jacob opened his system hud and peeked at his stats.

[Looks:6 A face like yours is above the average human, don't get cocky though, you're still ugly.]

[Charisma:2 you could chat up a rock.]

[Social status:2 barely scraping by.]

[Seduction skills:2 frogs are easily seduced by your skills.]

[Knowledge:4 You are a well read individual.]

[Manliness:1 sub par for a school girl.]

[Communication:1 The only conversations that you regularly have are with your imaginary friends.]

[Personal talent:2 your shit at almost everything]

As Jacob looked at his stats a smug smile adorned his face, it was a real dopamine rush to see such fast improvement, he had only had the system for a couple days and he had already improved immensely. However Jacob had to quickly come out of his self induced stupor because he had other things to do instead of just rooting his own horn. Opening the system hud once again Jacob looked through the top and he found exactly what he was looking for, a large glowing tab reading, Class. Jacob clicked on the tab and a new screen appeared before his eyes.

[Class page]

[Class tree: Mafia]

[current class: Runner]

[skills available for purchase: Agile footwork]

[Agile footwork: base agility bonus + 10%/ 1000 Lust points]

Jacob was baffled by everything that appeared on the screen and sure enough the system quickly answered his questions before he could even voice them.

[The page in front of you is the class page, it is a career path and it will give you bonuses and boosts useful to that career as you move down the path. The class tree represents the profession type and alignment, while the current class represents what you are in that class tree. The main bonus you get from having a class is the ability to purchase unique skills, these skills will cost lust points and are available for purchase only while you are at that specific tier. Once purchased you have the skill and its boost forever even if you promote into a different class in your class tree.]

Jacob listened intently to the explanation the system gave, as the system raped up he felt a sense of understanding as he looked at the class page. He was in the class tree mafia but currently he was only a runner, that made since he was just forced to join after all. Jacob now directed his attention to the one skill that was listed for purchase, Agile footwork. Looking at what it gave it sounded really good, a permanent 10% boost was nothing to scoff at. Jacob felt that it was worth it to at least try it out, so he selected the skill and spent every single point he had. A light glow covered his whole body and Jacob felt a sense of lightness fill him. Jacob waved his arm and it tracked a little bit faster and he felt a sense of dexterity he didn't have before. Feeling your body improve in an instant was an euphoria equal in Jacobs mind if not greater to an addict getting their fix.

Jacob couldn't help but be a little less sour about his forced entrance into the criminal world. Jacob didn't really mind committing crime, he was just worried about the getting caught part, questing for babes would be hard in prison. Jacob wanted to start his workout program today, he wasn't sure what his new job would entail but muscle wouldn't hurt in the long run. Before Jacob was going to try working out he had a phone call to a "friend" to make, Mark knew Daphne and he might be of help for whatever Jacob had to do from now on.

Jacob picked up his phone and dialed up Mark, the phone only rang once before it was picked up.

"Hello Mark, long time no see, we need to talk."

"I'm sorry Jacob, this wasn't how I wanted this to go."

That was what Jacob heard when Mark picked up, and it made Jacob pause. Could he blame Mark for this situation? Sure he knew Daphne but that inadvertently may have saved Jacobs life, if anything he almost felt like he should be glad Mark was on the wrong side of the law.

"No need for an apology, if not for you my friend I probably wouldn't be talking to you right now."

"Well as long as you don't hold a grudge against this old banker, why don't you tell me what you called for other than formalities?"