Exploring the amenities

Jacob couldn't help but chuckle when heard Mark refer to himself as an old man, he didn't believe that feeble act for a second.

"You can't fool me with that act anymore Mark, old family friend my ass, I bet you used to do dirty jobs for my father."

Jacob heard a chuckle in return and an inhale of breath, Mark was smoking something and Jacob knew it was a cigar, Mark loved them.

"You nailed it Jacob, I might not be quite as young as I once was, but I deal with shady business."

"I caught on to that when I was having my little conversation with Daphne. Which is why I am calling you right now, I'm sure you know but I was "recruited" into Daphne's outfit and I need some advice on what I should do."

"It's a good idea to listen here Jacob, I'm going to teach you some of the essentials of the business. There are different levels of membership in organized crime and what you joined is different from what I originally wanted you to do, I am an independent contractor, I work with them not for them. The problem is that I can't help you much with the organization. You are not an independent operator, you are now part of the Mafia, so you have specific rules to play by. Loyalty is the most important thing to them and they will expect it from all of their subordinates, including you. I would suggest that you follow all the orders you get from superiors and keep your head down, don't pick fights and dont have moral dilemmas they will get you killed."

Mark took a pause to let the information sink into Jacob. From Jacob's perspective it was a pretty simple rule to follow, stay loyal and just follow orders. As Jacob thought about what Mark had already said his friend started his speech again.

"Jacob, this last part is very important, it will keep you alive as long as you remember it, and if you forget it you will die."

Hearing the severity of Mark's words Jacob couldn't help but tense up in his seat.

"You are in for life, the only way you are going to make it out of organized crime is in a casket. You don't have to like the work, but you have to pretend to. I have to go Jacob, stay alive out there son. I'm sorry I can't do more for you."

Before Jacob could respond he heard the call cut off and he couldn't help but feel aggravated.

"That old bastard barely told me anything."

Jacob couldn't help but grumble to himself, as he stood from his desk. Stay loyal, just listen to orders, it was the exact opposite of what he wanted. Jacob couldn't help but sigh, his life was pinning out of control and there wasn't anything he could do about it. Jacob did not want to be a Mafia man, he just wanted to relax and bang girls to upgrade his body, killing people and charging protection money hasn't really been on his radar.

Jacob walked towards his suitcase and unpacked it, it was almost like his clothes hadn't been touched or rifled through, but Jacob could tell that his suitcase had been thoroughly searched before it was returned to him. Jacob was looking for the gym clothes he had bought back in Chicago so he could start his fitness journey. As he dressed in his tank top and workout shorts he couldn't help but sigh, at what he saw staring back at him. He was skinny, fat and muscle never really stuck to Jacobs body, hell this probably wouldn't work, Jacob was determined to try though.

Jacob exited his apartment and made his way to the elevator, and selected the ground floor. Jacob rode in a stifling silence, this would be his first time in a gym, other than highschool. Back then Jacob would just stick to the leg machine, there was no way in hell he could bench any weight. Today he just hoped to do it since curls and leg presses, he would need a spotter to try anything else and there was no way in hell that he was going to be able to find one out of the blue. As Jacob went through mental gymnastics, the doors chimed and he was brought back into the real world as the lobby came into view.

He walked into the lobby and looked around, now that it was afternoon opposed to the middle of the night Jacob wasn't surprised to see a large crowd of people in the lobby, the counter was now manned by three different clerks manning the desk, with a crowd the lobby felt more natural, it was a bit off putting to see such a big space devoid of life. The ceiling was at least 16 feet from floor to ceiling and was lit by large hanging lamps, and drop ceiling door lights.

Jacob made his way through the lobby and into the connecting hallway, which led to the cafeteria and the gym. Jacob decided to quickly grab a light breakfast before he headed to the gym. Jacob quickly made his way to one of the many counters that was selling different varieties of breakfast. Jacob picked up a muffin from the nearest stall. Jacob ate as he walked out of the food court, the muffin was a little more filling than he hoped but he just shrugged it off, next time he would just buy some kind of fruit. Arriving in the gym, Jacob looked around the space and was surprised by the size. He stood in a large open black and grey room, it had a 10 foot ceiling with large light fixtures set into it. Workout equipment filled the space, benches went from wall to wall but almost all of them were empty with only a few in use. Jacob continued to scan the room and he saw more workout equipment lining the walls, treadmills took up the right side of the room while there was a large weight wall occupying the back of the space.

Jacob was surprised by the limited number of people using this space, for a apartment building holding hundreds of residents, the gym was sparsely populated. Jacob could only shrug his shoulders as he made his way to the huge weight rack at the back of the room, Jacob arrived at the rack and looked up and down it. The weights were numbered from little 3 pounders to huge 80 pound weights, Jacob went close to the rack on the small end and looked for a weight he could lift but would also build his muscle. Jacob settled at 20 pounds for now and lifted the weight up and lifted up its partner of the same weight class. Carrying the weights Jacob made his way to the nearest bench and sat down. Jacob had always been right hand dominant and for now he was definitely stronger on that side. Jacob lifted his right arm for a curl when he was caught off guard with a system notification.

[Achievement earned]

[Newbie weight lifter]

[Lift weights for the first time]

[Reward: manliness +1, 500 Lust points]

As Jacob saw the achievement he suddenly felt a burning sensation spread from his arms to legs and then every muscle on his body. Jacob held in any noise he would have made so the people around him wouldn't notice anything off. Jacob felt like he had suddenly put on some muscle, and he felt a little shocked. If he had known the manliness stat would give him muscle he would have put a point or two in it. Jacob wanted to gauge his new strength, he went for another curl and so he could feel the difference from the first one. Jacob felt that the curl had gotten easier but it hadn't really changed by much and Jacob was disappointed by the discovery but then he thought about it again. It hadn't just burned in his arms, though he didn't gain super strength Jacob did gain muscle all over his body, strength, stamina and speed were probably all affected by the transformation. Jacobs frown turned to a smile as he reached that conclusion.

Jacob decided that he should test his improved body out, so he went and did some work on the equipment, treadmill, leg press, push-ups, pull ups, squats he did it all. From what Jacob could see, he gained evenly distributed muscle across his whole body, also from what Jacob could tell he was still weaker than an average adult, but at least he was close to being there.