Telling the truth

"You know Kazuki-kun, if Ai-chan were to see us like this, one of us is bound to be killed right now," she said and I did not move. More like, my body was not letting me move. Even if I wanted to, this body of mine was not listening to anything I was saying. I at least wanted to sit up off Ama's lap so that I can be at face level when we are talking.

"You'll not let that happen, I know that," I muttered again and Ama brought her ear closer to me this time.

"Can you say it again Kazuki-kun?" she asked me and I obliged with her request.

"I said, you'll not let Ai kill any of us," I said in the same weak voice and I wasn't doing that on purpose. I really was so weak that this was the only level I could talk to at the moment.

"Oh my, you have a lot of confidence in me now, don't you?" Ama said teasingly and winked at me.

"Koto could beat Ai and you could beat Koto," I explained and she just nodded with a warm smile on her face.