Ai opening up about the past

We all looked at each other thinking of what to do about this fact now. It was disclosed that I was slowly turning into a vampire and if something wasn't done soon, I don't know what was going to happen to me. Ethan explained to me how and why this was happening, which was something I had to tell them all, so that was one thing too.

"Honestly speaking, I was expecting as much," Ama opened surprising every one of us with her words. "I didn't tell you all this before since it was just a theory. The fact that Kazuki-kun right here has the blood of the first also would have meant that he would also have the powers he would have but he can only unlock them if he was a vampire. Now that can happen in two ways, one is Kazuki-kun himself turns into a vampire."

"Or the blood of the first forces my body to turn into one since its powers aren't something the limitation of the human body can withstand," I spoke out the other reason. "Ethan told me this."