A womans rights

*Saphira's POV*

That evening I was mostly on the phone. After I had called Amanda, Lynn, Zachary and even Sierra called to check up on me. Mostly I just lied a lot. I wasn't fine at all. And the one person who I wanted to call me… Didn't. I saw that he often came online on what's-app, but he never said anything. I wanted to see how long it would take him to contact me himself. I didn't want to come across as the pushy type…

I didn't sleep much that night…. I just stared at him being online. Who would he be talking with? Around 5 AM I finally did fall asleep. But when I woke up, I was exhausted beyond measure.

I took a long hot shower trying to wake up, but it was useless. I got dressed in a green v-neck satin with lace dress Benjamin bought for me, when I had my 'Benjamin makeover.' I then took a picture as promised.