Taste of his own medicine

*Benjamin's POV*

"Grandfather, we need to do something," I pleaded. I was kneeling before him at his court. It was unusual for a prince to kneel before the sultan, but it was a unusual situation.

"Son, listen to me. I know you are very fond of Jasmine, I am fond of her family as well. Still my son, there are rules." My grandfather said wit authority.

"I think he abuses her." I said, my voice breaking on each word. "If he has intercourse with her, than she is contaminated and it would be best for her to marry her brother in law." The sultan said with earnest.

I had to back out of this. "No, that is not what I meant." I said wheeling out of the situation. "I meant that I think he beats her, that he physically abuses her." I felt sick to my stomach. How could they let a innocent woman, who would possibly been raped, marry her predator?!